think i will be meeting my baby girl sooner than i thought..


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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i am having to see the midwife twice weekly and the consultant fortnightly.. midwife checked me over today and basically told me to prepare to meet my little girl earlier than i thought..

im seeing the consultant on weds and from there i will be either given an induction date a c section date or told to carry on and see how things go...

my bp is quite high (varies from 140/90 to 180/105), i am swollen everywhere and have occasional flashing lights and headaches so they are panicing ....fingers crossed they let me carry on and see what happens naturally!

im measuring 2 weeks behind bump size and 2 weeks behind baby size - because of my bp they dont think the baby is getting what she needs from the placenta...apparently the blood flows through the umbilical cord a lot faster when you have high bp and the baby isnt able to take what she needs!

anybody else been had this and had a natural delivery?

Sorry hun, haven't had experience of this and it's my 1st but wanted to say that I hope your bp settles down and that u get to have a natural labour. xx
Sorry I can't help but just wanna say I hope everything works itself out babe :hug: sorry to hear ur having a hard time xxx
hey hun this is what happened to me! lo was born at 37weeks, 5lbs 2lbs, perfectly fine! i had a c/section though!

good luck with everything!!! xoxoxo
Had my first early at 35 weeks cos of reduced growth they don't know why he was 4 ib 10 and had him natural after induction . I am broader line pre eclampsia myself at the min too got to get checked again on fri. Hope things calm down a bit for u will have my fingers crossed xxx
cant offer any advice hun but just wanted to say I hope everything works out well for you xxxx
No advice but sounds like you are being well cared for :hug: x

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