Just bumped blump


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I was just in a shop getting pudding for lunch and as I tried to get past someone, I hit blump on one of the freezers that you open from the top (hope that makes sense) Anyway, as soon as it happened he gave me a big kick (I think it must have made him jump)

I'm back home now and he has been kicking, but worried that it could have done him damage? I don't have any cramps or bleeding, I'm just stressing about it. Has anyone else bumped their bump? I'm trying to be rational and think that he's well cushioned in there, am I being silly?
I would say he's well cushioned in there hon, good news that you've been feeling him kick too, the bump probably just shook him awake! x x
Try not to worry too much you've probably just gave baby a wee fright. You could bring it up with your mw next time though. If you have any bleeding or cramps you should get it seen to asap.

I think it must have made him jump, my poor wee man! He's been giving me wee kicks as normal. I'll just have to be more careful especially as I get bigger, it's my first pregnancy and just worry about loads of things!

Got another scan in less than 2 weeks, can't wait to see him again!!!
once my boss wanted me to check her weight on a cheap set of scales at work. i bent down to look and as i came up again i forgot about her bump! i whacked my head full force off her bump! felt soooooooooooo bad about it. tbh it was quite funny and she was really laughing but i always had it in my mind! of course he was fine and is a cheeky little monkey now but must be a bit scary when that happens.

i'm sure all is fine hunny xxx
When i was pregnant with my now 3 year old my big brother very roughly pushed me in my bump so hard he left a bruise. Thankfully my lo was ok. Try not to worry they are very well protected in there.
I posted on here at something like 10 weeks that I'd walked into the doorframe with my TV dinner table and was freaking. I called one of the midwife lines (might have been Cow & Gate) and she said they're so well-cushioned and protected and not to worry :)
Bubs is fine! Gave you a boot to say OY gerroff hehe! xx
Thanks for you're wee replies, its making me feel better :) I think you're right, he was giving me a thump back as a reminder he's here lol

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