Just bloomin crawl


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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We have had 5 tantrums this morning. She is desperate to crawl but her body isn't catching up and its doing my head in. She gets herself onto her hands and knees and stretches, but falls on her face. And no matter whats in frot of her, she wants what is on the other side of the room.
I hate that time... in between them wanting to be able to do something and being able to do it...

We are in the pulling themselves up and walking stage... My poor back can't cope with much more assisted toddling.. :roll:
God that was an awful time...waiting for her to crawl was just as frustrating for me as it was for her. We're also at the standing up assisted walking stage too...and my back is also about to cave in. Bending over like this used to be fun once :wink: :wink: :wink:
makes 3 of us at that stage lol he had to toddle round to everyone today to say ello :roll:

took him a month from being up on all fours to actually move forward tho , backwards was easy lol
omg ky is basically 9months and hes not interested in crawling at all yet?!? should he be?!?! hes perfectly happy to sit up and play with whats infront of him. i dont think ive ever seen him try and get something out of reach! have i got all this to come :shock: :think:
Holly still wont crawl.. she gets up on all fours but thats it.. she likes to propel herself round backwards on the laminate flooring and then screams until you hold her up so she can stand!
gem, pilkers and squig i hope the assisted toddling stage doesnt last as long as ours (7 months! :shock: )

millie was like that too she was only commando crawling at that age. she was assisted toddling before she was crawling! :shock: :doh:
That stage thank god only lasted a week or two now she crawls round at 50mph and is standing up on everything and yes assisted toddling :lol:

Really hope it passes soon for you :hug:

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