How long to crawl once......UPDATED!!!SHE CRAWLS!

How do they learn to get on there hands and knees?? Ryan is soo lazy he hardly does anything lol He loves laying on the floor but he just lays there and plays lol
littlepip said:
How do they learn to get on there hands and knees?? Ryan is soo lazy he hardly does anything lol He loves laying on the floor but he just lays there and plays lol

Riley has been commando crawling for about 2 weeks, he's only just now figuring out to get on his knees, now he's started rocking too LOL
littlepip said:
How do they learn to get on there hands and knees?? Ryan is soo lazy he hardly does anything lol He loves laying on the floor but he just lays there and plays lol

For several weeks Eva was able to push her bum in the air with her knees or feet OR push up on her hands like a mini press up, then suddenly started doing both at once.

She took one 'step' with her hand yesterday though, before lunging onto her face! :cheer: woohoo! :lol:
Angel was rocking for about 2 weeks before she did her first crawl about 3 days ago! She still occasionally goes up on her feet (That's how her cousin crawled, hands and feet! :lol: ) But she is very, very, very slow! Lol And she only heads towards my clothes horse to steal the socks off the bottom!
My lo is commando crawling and also rocking on her hands and knees shes 6 i/2 months
Yay!! Believe me, you'll wish she wasn't soon enough! My LO's so sneaky now she crawls! Always finds stuff she's not allowed to have hehe!
poppy160 said:
Yay!! Believe me, you'll wish she wasn't soon enough! My LO's so sneaky now she crawls! Always finds stuff she's not allowed to have hehe!

I am dreading this, Ella already seems to find things she isn't meant to have and that is just with lunging and reaching!
Lol, her motivation was the wires for charging the laptop poking out from under the sofa! Doesnt bode well for staying out of mischief from now on :lol:

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