a loola pushchair!!!!!
Ive looooved this one from the moment i saw it as you can have them facing you and i just reeally love it and mum was going to buy me the maclaren techno xt which i like but i dont LOVE soo ive bidded on a loola on ebay. hope she doesnt mind :S She has love to shop vouchers that she was going to use for the buggy so i thought maybe if i bought this one of ebay then she can use the vouchers for all the rest of the stuff that i need to get that i would have bought with cash? Like mattresses for crib and moses basket etc? ekk i wont tell her till i know ive won it! :S
Ive looooved this one from the moment i saw it as you can have them facing you and i just reeally love it and mum was going to buy me the maclaren techno xt which i like but i dont LOVE soo ive bidded on a loola on ebay. hope she doesnt mind :S She has love to shop vouchers that she was going to use for the buggy so i thought maybe if i bought this one of ebay then she can use the vouchers for all the rest of the stuff that i need to get that i would have bought with cash? Like mattresses for crib and moses basket etc? ekk i wont tell her till i know ive won it! :S