Just been to the " pool night"


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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to find out about the waterbirth, see the pool etc

it looks lovely, its really big and nice and deep, theyve got a stereo so you can take music in, and they can dim the lights etc, really looking forward to it now :cheer: your allowed the water at any temperature until you reach the 2nd stage where it has to be 37degrees so the baby isnt stimulated on delivery of the head, makes sense though

found out why your not allowed a waterbirth if your over 15st, its incase they need to evacuate the delivery suite, because mws would have to get you out of the pool at 15st is the max weight theyll allow water birth mums to be

Rock on the birth :cheer:
Ooooooooooo sounds perfect! Hope you have the most amazingly easy birth in there :hug: :hug: :hug:
well when mw did my birth plan earlier, she said that in theory your 3rd labour should mirror your 2nd in time terms, though i was induced with josh i had a really quick labour, she said that i should be able to manage on just gas and air and it should be relatively fast, if not faster compared to josh's ( was about 4hrs from being 4cm to delivery)

so im just totally looking forward to it, having a totally different birth experience than my last 2 times hopefully

really cant wait to get in that birth pool though it looks wonderful
Oooooooooo that does sound exciting! Just on gas and air too, fabulous stuff. I remember you saying you had a fair bit of intervention in the first two births (I think, but I'm not going to trust my memory...) so this plan sounds wonderful. So nice that you're looking forward to it :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds great hun! Ull have to let me know how u get on, im considering a water birth too! :)
gingerpig said:
Oooooooooo that does sound exciting! Just on gas and air too, fabulous stuff. I remember you saying you had a fair bit of intervention in the first two births (I think, but I'm not going to trust my memory...) so this plan sounds wonderful. So nice that you're looking forward to it :hug: :hug: :hug:

1st time round i had gas and air, diamorphine, then an epidural, 2nd time round i was induced due to cholestasis, had gas and air for about 5mins, gave up on it straight away, had my waters broken, threw up on midwife, and then had an epidural straight away

this time im determined to have a better birth :D
I'm jealous - I've been told I cannot have a water birth as I'm high risk! I loved the look of our pool too - so inviting I wanted to get in right then! I hope you have a lovely birth - sounds wonderful!

Sounds great hope you have a great birth
Do you have to be max of 15 stone while preggers? I reckon I could be that as i'm 5'10'' and was 13 before I was pregnant & I really want a water birth :(
Kat@girlracer said:
Do you have to be max of 15 stone while preggers? I reckon I could be that as i'm 5'10'' and was 13 before I was pregnant & I really want a water birth :(

it does depend on your hospital, but thats their safety protocol for water births, its not because the pool cant support your weight its incase they had to get you out in an emergency situation they couldnt physically lift a 15st woman they said

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