Just been to MAU


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I had some bad cramps this morning and noticed some blood in my pants so I called the hospital and they told me to go in.

The midwife was lovely and listened to the heartbeat and told me to take it easy and if it happens again I have to go back in.

Scary biscuits there for an hour or so but so glad I got to hear the heartbeat! Just hope it stops!
Oooof glad you got checked out. Must have been scary for you :hug: Take it easy and put your feet up.
OMG sweetheart :hug:

You have been under enormous stress recently so take her advice and rest as much as you possible can. If you have any worries at all ring them. Wish we were nearer hunny cos I'd come round and pamper you xxxxxxxxxx
I was properly bricking it. It was only a tiny bit of blood but after last time anything is enough to make me panic!

Hope it's ok :(
Oh no, what a stress, glad baby is ok. Take it easy hun :hugs:
God hun BB is right again you need to chill out and rest. Look after yourself and bubs. xxxxxxxx
happened to me at 15 weeks so i know how you feel hun, hope everything works out good from now on for us all!
So glad the LO is ok. Take a much deserved rest for the weekend and get pampered silly by OH! xxxxx
Thanks ladies. what a stressful time!

I haven't had any further episodes so hopefully it was just one of those things. I am not running round after felipe tonight. He'll have to manage on his own I'm afraid lol
oh you poor thing sooo scary, delighted everything ok xxx
glad all turned out ok - make sure you take the offered advice! x
Sending u :hugs: make sure u make lots of time for u to rest now xx
Defo take their advise and put your feet up hun, must've been pretty scary for you! Glad everything is okay though :hugs: x
Feet have well and truly been put up this weekend.

I forgot to ask her what might of caused it and she never said :(

I was just relieved to hear baby Rs heartbeat in the end!

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