Just a question


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I am just wondering why threads get locked?

Are we supposed to use 1 thread for certain questions or are we still allowed to post with individual questions as not all questions come under 1 catagory? :think:

I've noticed threads been locked and ask been asked to use a thread already active.

ive been thinking the same!! why do people have to stick to one certain thread?? like the no sleep club for example, i never read it as it dosent apply to me so if sarah (the person whos threads are always locked!) posted in that thread people would probley miss it and not reply??!! :think:
thanks steph lol, i was actually wondering the same thing, as i am worried people wont reply if i put it at the end of a thread
We are not saying Sarah has to use the no sleep club thread, just maybe one of these threads about Braydon's sleep?

http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 44&start=0

http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 76&start=0


http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 12&start=0

http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 63&start=0



It's not just Sarah, we're trying to cut down on the amount of multiple threads in all areas, you may have noticed it with the baby show threads too: we are trying to keep all the posts in one thread, it helps to keep the forum simple so if people need to look for something all the information is in an obvious place.
goodness it must have taken ages to find all those links :lol:
ok so why is it only sarah posts that get locked???? :think: :think:
I didn't know there were other threads that got locked? I just did it cos that's the way I do it on another forum I moderate.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry if this is the case.
Its just easier, alot of people seem to going through the same things and if we are all the same thread then people can just answer us all at once. Otherwise it just seems that we have about 20 threads from people all going through the same things. I personally find it alot more helpful to have others in the same boat as me, I think I would have gone mad by now if I didn't think that Urchin and Emilia were also going through sleepless nights too. The sme with multiple posts, i.e. the sme post in 2 different locations, as some answer one and others answer the second, for example the get together one. Its so much easier for everyone to all go on the same thread so we can organise the get together better. There is no conspiracy against one member. If people prefer to have their own individual threads then PM one of us and just say, after all that is what we are here for.
the only thing is i don't read threads unless i can offer advice on the matter, so if someone puts a thread in an exsisting topic i won't see it if i don't read that thread.

Is that jibberish :think:
Not at all, we are just saying that if it is along the lines of a similar thread then perhaps put it in there. For example if someone was to start a thread about what type of nappy to use, and someone else started another thread about what nappy they should use then we would suggest putting them together to save others from typing twice. However if you were wanting to post about nappies you are using are leaking and are not sure why then that is a different post. Do you see what I mean? The reason Sarah was asked to perhaps post about B's sleeping in one of her other posts was because there were 7 others alomng the same lines and we thought it may get confusing (sorry about using you as an example Sarah but others had and it helps me to explain).
if an old thread is contanstantly re posted in, i read it....

just saves having lots of threads on the same topic

I only read the ones that are of any relevance to me, there is no point in trying to answer questions that you don't know the answer to.

Anyway, i know now, i was just wondering if any of the rules had been changed

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