Just a question...


Active Member
Feb 17, 2007
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Hey all, male here! Just wanted to ask for some female advice.

Me and my OH think she may be pregnant, but we shall wait until next week when she is due on to find out.

What signs can I/We look for?

At the moment, all I can say is that she has been really tired, as in, I would ring her while in work as usual and would end up waking her up because she went to sleep. She often has pains in her belly and today she has been really emotional and is now tucked up in bed crying.

She's just really scared thats all, and im just trying to be the best I can be for her.

Thanks all.
First of all well done for asking for advice my OH wouldnt lol.

My first symtom was i felt like id pulled both muscles under my arms. I did also feel tired and would nap in the day but i also use to be like that before i was due to come on. I didnt start to feel sick until i was about 8-9 wks gone. If your worried or want to know then do a test altho it may not show the correct the result until your OH is due on. As i was trying for a baby i was already watching what foods to avoid etc.

I also had to wee alot lol in the early stages.
Try not to worry, its sounds like your doing great in helping her etc. If she is then she probably will be emotional just give her lots of hugs :hug:

I know my friend had morning sickness and really swollen breasts.

In the early stages i also lost alot of weight.

Hope this has helped a little.

Hmm, I know it can be quite different for each person, but she seems to be eating more infact, like ice cream, and naughty food, hehe. And he tummy does seem a little bigger, although, it may just be bloated.
What day is she due on next week? If its on Monday, an early preg test might work from tomorrow or thursday onwards
I just looked on google and it said food cravings is an early sign. I was just weird i guess lol, I still ate the same amount but lost a stone in weight, midwife said it was the baby taking the nutrients lol.

Let us know how it all goes. I was trying for a baby and sometimes use to covince myself that i was having symtoms lol, but i knew when i was preg i just felt different. If shes not one to have a nap in the day then she could very well be preg. Just be there with a huge hug whatever the outcome.

Let me know if i can help with anything else.
Some tests can detect pregnancy 3-5 days before period is due so she may want to take one of these but that said, sometimes pregnancy will not show up on a test until after AF is due so if it is neg it doesn't necessarily mean she is not pregnant. Confusing eh?! :doh:
Yeah it is confusing. She took one today and it said "Not Pregnant", but we have one left to try next week.

We need alot of advice...maybe I should post about that in another section...
I had no symptoms as such when I found out I was pregnant.... the only thing I had was the two days b4 I had to have a nap in the afternoon.... since finding out that im pregnant they have all come out the wood work :lol: im even more exhausted, sore boobs, hungry all the time but off my food at the same time (if that makes sense as in dont know what I wanna eat) feeling sick and being sick, emotional and craving's....

I was a day before AF was due when I tested.... dont know if that helps you! x
Well last night she was up all night crying, and today she was in bed until 12 crying and made herself ill. But she did a test which was Negative, so we cant figure out what the problem is. So I said its doctor time.
I get sore boobs, vieny boobs and i have a craving also but with all my 3 pregnancies i had a 'feeling' thats how i know but i try to convince myself i'm being silly and then wait till i'm due to take a test (honnest :lol: :fib: :fib: )

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