Jeremy Kyle-morning surgery


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Girls who watched this?/watching?

They gave us 5 top tips

1. have sex (2-3 times a week)
2. stop smoking
3. watch your weight
4. Relax
5. Talk to your doc

Alot of peoples problems are there weight.

Its quite good there showing scans, 3d scan for a women who was having problems with previous pregnancys and pregnancy losts and a scan to see why a couple having been ttc for four years.

Thought these 5 top tips for thoughs who havent been to a doc yet could be helpfull..kinda obvious but hearing it from a doc and not the internet is better for some
There are too many people watching Jeremy Kyle :roll:

I guess it does sound different when you hear t from a professionals mouth. I saw something on BBC News and it was then in the days papers, but obviously inaccurate, and i felt like i could ignore the papers because i heard it from the horses mouth so to speak :)

I'm going to watch my first ever episode on iPlayer :)

Hiya lrb! I'm always wondering about you :) How is the nursery job going?
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Aw are ya! I know havent been on here lately, were in the process of moving and doing up the house from scratch so i dont have anytime to come on atm.. its nt made ttc any easier tho! Jobs going great thanks, i really do love it. Got a permanent contract now and just started my nvq level 3 :)

Howa you? :)
That's great! :) You must have really impressed them :good:

I need IVF - poor me :( - but besides that i'm just spiffin (not spliffin sadly).

How are your cycles? Are they regular yet?
Jeremy kyle actually worth watching girls.....repeated 1.30 pm ITV 2
i saw some of it before i went to the docs, thought it was pretty interestig!
I watched it and cried, especially at the couple who had lost 2 baby's and pregnant with her 3rd and had the 4D scan, looked amazing....

It is true what Jermery Kyle said about there are people out there who get pregnant easily without a care in the world and not even bother...

Going to record it tomorrow as I am going to a interview for a new job...

Donna x
I was blubbering like a baby at the ladies who had scans! I thought my emotional hormones had escaped me during Tri1 but sadly not!! Good job I was in the house on my own! lol :)

I couldn't believe it when that poor couple were going on about trying for 4 years and couldn't get over not having a baby and would do anything to have one... and then it turns out that they both smoke :roll:

Still in the middle of watching it - looking forward to the scans :)
I Cried.... i dont know whats up with me, they hadnt even got to the scan and i was crying!!!
Aw i got emotional at both scans - that lady seeing the babies face and the other one with granny crying :cry:
Thanks for sharing this. Just watched it. Such a shame for that couple at the end, god how awful.
OMG, baby Ben, so beautiful. How sad for them, they seem like such a lovely couple.
Was really sad ey? Definitely put things in perspective for me.xx

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