

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Kieran has had jaundice since he was a couple of days old and he still has it now at nearly 8 weeks :|

A couple of weeks ago I had to take him to the hospital for blood tests to make sure that the jaundice level wasn't too high and that nothing bad was causing the jaundice, the blood results came back fine so they just said it was because im BFing and that it will fade soon.

It hasn't faded though, it's still like it has always been :| It's making me worry abit now because it should have gone by now or atleast be getting better.

Anyone elses baby had jaundice for this long and did it eventually go? If it is the BFing causing the jaundice then should I stop BFing? Is it safe to carry on BFing if this is causing the jaundice like the hopital said?
Becky had jaundice (below the treatment line and not visibly yellow) for a while but because of my blood type. Best tip I had was lots of noody time in natural light (not direct sunlight obviously) and it helps a lot.
I dont think you have to stop breastfeeding hun, just been googling, have a look....


Eva was jaundiced for a little while we were advised to put her near the window ( out of direct sun though) to get light on her skin and from what I have just read you might need to be a bit pushy with feeds as jaundiced babies can be lazy feeders

Good luck hope it sorts itself out soon :hug:
Thanks :)

Everything else has been ruled out by the blood tests and the doc saying it's my breastmilk causing it :(

I take him out alot and sit outside with him when its nice and the blinds are always open so he's getting plenty of natural light and it's still not going :?

He's definately not a lazy feeder :lol: He feeds well, he's on my boob all the time feeding :lol: and is gaining weight well and is really alert which the HV said is unusual in jaundiced babies because they are normaly sleepy and are lazy feeders :?

If it carries on then I might ask for repeat bloods to be taken to just double check they haven't missed anything.

Thanks for the links, I'll have a look at them now :)
Just read this from the link and it has made me feel better now :)

There is a third type of jaundice called late-onset, or breastmilk jaundice. This type of jaundice shows up during the second week of life, and peaks around the tenth day or later. It affects a very small percentage of infants (between 2% and 33%, depending on how you define “jaundiced” – usually a level of 5-10mg/dl). The bilirubin count can remain elevated for weeks or even months, but will eventually level out at adult levels of 1mg/dl. The diagnosis is usually made in a healthy, thriving infant, and only after all the pathologic causes of jaundice have been ruled out. Often, this type of jaundice runs in families, and breastfed siblings are likely to be jaundiced as well. No one is sure why this type of jaundice occurs, but there seems to be something in some mother’s milk that increases the reasbsorption of bilirubin, or decreases the liver processing of bilirubin. When the baby is temporarily given formula, either as a substitute for, or along with mother’s milk, the levels drop quickly, rising again as the baby returns to total breastfeeding. Even though we are not sure of the cause, what is important to remember in cases of late-onset jaundice is that the baby is not harmed in any way by continued breastfeeding. There has never been a case of kernicterus associated with this type of jaundice, or any detrimental after effects. Because we know the well-documented benefits of breastfeeding, the baby should not be denied the advantages of breastfeeding, given the fact that the slightly elevated bilirubin levels will soon return to normal levels without any intervention. Once pathologic causes are ruled out, nursing should continue. Sometimes babies are taken off the breast for 24-48 hours just to make the diagnosis of breast-milk jaundice, though this is seldom necessary. If your healthcare provider wants to go this route, and the levels drop significantly, then breastfeeding should be resumed.

I'll carry on BFing now then if it's not doing any harm :) I'll still ask the doctor on Tuesday but from reading that it looks like it's nothing to worry about :)
Galen became jaundiced at around 3 days as he had one night where he slept for 5 hours straight and therefore didn't feed (this was the reason I was given). My MW then had me make sure I fed him every 2-3 hours without fail for about 5 days till his colour improved. Apparently it was the long gap between feeds that night that more than likley caused it. His colour picked up after about 3 days and within 5 he was back to normal. It was a real struggle getting him to feed so often round the clock as it caused him to be sleepy but it did the trick.

Also natural light as has been said :)

Good luck and hoping its solved soon.
Evie was jaundice for the first week- we just put her in natural light as much as we could and it soon faded.

Don't give up BF if you are sure there is nothing to worry about :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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