** January 2019 **

Can't for the life of me update my ticker thing!

I can’t get to grips with a ticker either! Glad your scan went well!

Just seen the weather forecast for the next two weeks in the UK :shock: more hotness to come there is no ac in my shop I am going to officially keel over lol! X
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Can't for the life of me update my ticker thing!

I can’t get to grips with a ticker either! Glad your scan went well!

Just seen the weather forecast for the next two weeks in the UK :shock: more hotness to come there is no ac in my shop I am going to officially keel over lol! X

That's crazy, isn't it? I would love a hot summer if I was not pregnant. I am normally ok with the heat, but now I am just constantly out of breath and dizzy when its so hot(
I hate the heat whether pregnant or not! Always have done. Its good for drying my washing thats about it. Has anyones nausea gone yet? I havnt been sick for 2 days but appetite is still very limited and could vomit at any point
I hate the heat whether pregnant or not! Always have done. Its good for drying my washing thats about it. Has anyones nausea gone yet? I havnt been sick for 2 days but appetite is still very limited and could vomit at any point

I am still throwing up at least once a day and I am 16 weeks! I think it was about time when my morning sickness stopped last time round, so fingers crossed it will soon be gone.
Glad your scan was ok fpts. I'm still sick vomitted 3 times last night sometimes I feel ok for a few hours again with limited appetite but I still are mostly sick. I am 14+3 I am sure with my daughter it went on a while. Maybe max 20 weeks X
I second that I am still really limited on my appetite also at 15+1 haven’t vomited for a while but doesn’t stop the nausea feeling just generally feel a bit meh at the minute lol.

Wonder how wheeldon got on travelling back home? X
I am sooooo tired, I feel like I could sleep for a month! I'm telling work tonight.... wish me luck!
My nausea is behaving today. But my word im tired. Are any of you having any cravings? I just want to eat olives. Stuffed with anything possible
My nausea passed a little while ago but I’m still really tired!! Is anyone having any movements? Yesterday I was having loads it was amazing xx
My nausea is misbehaving today, appetite has gone again, can’t even bare to cook so hubby has had to do that, I am so exhausted today, everyone at work told me how rough I look today. I’m not likely to feel movement for ages because I have an anterior placenta so will mask any movements for some time or so I’ve been told.

Hope it goes ok telling work tonight mayflower
My nausea is misbehaving today, appetite has gone again, can’t even bare to cook so hubby has had to do that, I am so exhausted today, everyone at work told me how rough I look today. I’m not likely to feel movement for ages because I have an anterior placenta so will mask any movements for some time or so I’ve been told.

Hope it goes ok telling work tonight mayflower

Anterior placenta doesn’t really mask them Hun I had one with Gracie and with this one and I am feeling movement now too! It’s on my memories on Facebook today Gracie’s dad was able to feel movement at 21 weeks and in my comments it said I had been feeling them a while ❤️

Good luck mayflower!
Flossy 86 I have an anterior placenta and never felt a thing until I was 23 weeks ish so dont feet (like I did lol)

Only now shes stronger do I feel her normally and hard! But she still sometimes kicks into the placenta and I do not feel a thing!

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Flossy86, I had an anterior placenta last time and I didn't feel movement until about 22/23 weeks.
I still cant figure out whether what I feel sometimes are actually movements. With my dd I actually felt the first movement quite early, around 16 weeks and it was a proper kick, I even saw it as I was stearing at my tummy atm lol.
Can I ask is anyone still getting abdominal aching. I am and it's just setting me back and I feel I cannot enjoy this at all X
Sarah I get abdominal aching most days, can’t wait for my midwife appointment on Monday for some reassurance that all is going ok
I know I wonder why it must be all stretching I haven't done as much today as normal and it's been better spose it's that and round ligaments pains
I am still getting stretchy pains and some period type pains. I have my gender scan on Thursday just can’t wait to get another look at him/her see how they are growing!

Is anyone else very constipated? I haven’t been for a number 2 in 6 days! Lol x

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