******January 2019 Mummies******

With my first, I worked to 36 weeks, took 2 weeks annual leave, 2 weeks maternity leave and then she came at 40+2.
With my second I was working full time and caring for a toddler, so I went at 32 weeks and she came at 39+4.
This time, I handed my notice in before I knew I was pregnant and I start my new job today, I'm probably going to have to work until 35/36 weeks to make sure I qualify for Maternity Allowance as I won't get SMP. As I've had two previous c-sections, this one will come by elective c-section at 39 weeks.
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Ahhhhhhhh that’s so so so cute wheeldon!

Mayflower I’m feeling like I might have to go at 32 and wing it with my annual leave so I get Christmas 2019 off! I won’t be returning full time anyway I wish I had never changed jobs last year x
Thank you ladies! <3

I'm currently not working so I guess I won't need maternity leave :D
Ahhhhhhhh that’s so so so cute wheeldon!

Mayflower I’m feeling like I might have to go at 32 and wing it with my annual leave so I get Christmas 2019 off! I won’t be returning full time anyway I wish I had never changed jobs last year x

I was a nursery deputy manager but I've changed to part time evening hours at a supermarket to avoid childcare costs! It's not ideal but it means I can be with my girls all day and all the money I'm earning is mine, rather than it all going back out on childcare.
Yes I&#8217;ll be going down to 22.5 hours on return to work so childcare costs won&#8217;t be ridiculous! My daughters old childminder will be having this one aswell as she was brill and really reasonable x
The school year here ends when I'll be 34 weeks so I should stay until then. Baby is actually due the week school goes back next year so that works out pretty well for me not having to work for those last weeks of tri 3. I'm on contract, but for the year, so they won't give me maternity pay anyway though. I only need to work until the end of October to qualify for government maternity pay so might throw in the towel then as I really hate my school!
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Finally starting to stomach more food without the waves of nausea. Hopefully that is a good sign that the placenta is starting to take over and food will start sounding WAAAY more appealing in the coming week!

How are you ladies feeling? <3
Same winterwolf really hating my job at the moment!

That&#8217;s good wheeldon I had two days where I felt good then yesterday was a rubbish day again :-( I am feeling quite dizzy and suffering with my eyes I&#8217;m getting weird tension headaches apparently being pregnant messes with your sight! Xx
I didn&#8217;t realise I would feel this way lol roll on week 14 maybe I can feel normal again x
Still feeling crap here! Yesterday was one of the worst days so far for me in terms of nausea. I've also become grumpy the last two days which I hate, and my hips hurt!! :(
My hips were hurting especially in bed. I bought one of those huge U shaped pillows which is a god send. My nausea went for a few days but is back with avengance today x
Feeling ill today, and my pelvis hurts too. I took 4 towels out to hang on washing line and felt my back sore. What are u ladies doing in terms of lifting I try avoid heavy things as a rule but something's need doing as hub at work. I've laid in sofa to try ease it. But feel like I need to vomit appetite not good either X not complaining as it's all good sign.

Does the preg pillow help? Where did you get it. I need one I had SPD in my first pregnancy X
I carried my 3 year old when we were out on Sunday as she was tired and feeling poorly.

I've also just started working in a supermarket. It was my first night last night and I was mainly stocking shelves - lots of lifting, bending and stretching. My thighs ar feeling it today!
I got mine from wowcher. It was only the first night i used it last night but was much more comfortable.

Have you all had your first midwife appointments?
Oh gosh my one hip has been hurting just thought I lay funny haha my work uniform is so uncomfortable now there&#8217;s no give at all on the material so I end up with an angry red line across my tummy. Fpts yeah I had mine back in May 12 week scan on Thursday x
Booking is next Friday where I'll be 11 weeks scan on Monday. Fingers crossed it's all ok. Felt such strain in my back and abdomen today I've done more than I normally do. And feel so sickly now. I'll have a look for one need comfort desperately. And a massage. Lol

Anyone watch love island? X
Yes i am well into love island. Did they do the co test on you all?
Scan on 6th July, no midwife appointment yet.

I've never watched Love Island, but I also don't watch anything like Big Brother.

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