******January 2019 Mummies******

Hi ladies. I would like to join you. I have a boy age 9 and a girl who is 4 next week. I am now 6+4 with number 3 and feeling lousy! Due date by scan is 29.01.19 but I'll be electing with medical advise so I would think bubba will be here early. Xx
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Hi ladies. I would like to join you. I have a boy age 9 and a girl who is 4 next week. I am now 6+4 with number 3 and feeling lousy! Due date by scan is 29.01.19 but I'll be electing with medical advise so I would think bubba will be here early. Xx

Welcome to the group and Congratulations! I have added you. <3
Bath in boiled (once cooled a bit) salt water. Does the trick xx
That&#8217;s great news smithy! I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow xxx
I had a feeling the pharmacy couldn't give me anything because I'm pregnant, but a quick call to 111 and I had an appointment at the out of hours surgery for 9am, in and out within 20 minutes with a prescription for anti-biotic cream. Thank you NHS!
I may have asked already but all this stress my memory is shot. Does anyone feel like there boob soreness isn't as bad in a morning. They don't seem as lumpy and hard today and when I put my bra on they are sore again at the end of the day. My nipples are sensitive. Do you think it's normal for boob soreness to improve. I am8+1 today scan tomorrow I'm am so scared. I am still feeling really sick too sometimes I actually vomit a few times a day X
Hi Sarah my boobs are not at all sore and I&#8217;m not concerned so don&#8217;t worry yourself about it x
Were they sore at the start? You see mine have been all way through and now not sure what's happening XX
Hiya I really wouldn&#8217;t worry I have read and spoke to other pregnant ladies who&#8217;s symptoms come and go and it can be normal...I havnt had hardly any symptoms from the word go and I&#8217;m just about to turn 8 weeks no sore boobs or anything the only breast change in me is veins x
No ive just had itchy nips! And that has been on and off! My sickness disappears too but ultimately I&#8217;ve just had to learn I can&#8217;t control what happens all I can do is take my vitamins and hope for the best x
My boobs hurt 10x more in the evening than in the morning. Haven't really thought anything of it. I wouldn't worry about it

Glad you got your antibiotics quickly Mayflower. :) hope it's better soon.
Hopefully it's normal. God I am so knackered I cannot function. I am laid out everyday X
Don't worry Sarah, it's normal for symptoms to come and go and your boobs won't be sore for the whole 9 months. Good luck at your scan :) I'm sure it will go fantastic
Being tired is a symptom too Sarah! I drove myself crazy in the first few weeks and was very distracted and emotional I&#8217;ve just had to be very stern with myself as stressing wasn&#8217;t doing me any good think crashing my car sent me over the edge lol x

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