******January 2019 Mummies******

Sorry to bring the mood down but I'm pretty sure I'm going to miscarry again as I have had cramping and pink bleeding all day. My cervix is low, soft and open. I've been breaking my heart this afternoon and trying to carry on in work but I don't know what to do. My midwife said to wait until bleeding is red but everything is telling me this is my second miscarriage and I'm distraught.
Sorry to bring the mood down but I'm pretty sure I'm going to miscarry again as I have had cramping and pink bleeding all day. My cervix is low, soft and open. I've been breaking my heart this afternoon and trying to carry on in work but I don't know what to do. My midwife said to wait until bleeding is red but everything is telling me this is my second miscarriage and I'm distraught.

Oh I'm so sorry. I know it's so much easier said than done but try and listen to your midwife and don't worry until you see red.

Sending loads of hugs and sticky baby dust your way
Oh smithy I am so sorry! I’ll keep everything crossed for you Hun xxx
Hi Smithy I am really thinking of you and hopefully everything will be ok...about 10 days ago I had pain and really heavy red bleeding for over 6 hours was adamant I was loosing it went to hospital and was really upset they did a blood test and an ultra sound and everything with baby was fine and they said it was a haematoma which can be common so please please keep positive for now easier said than done I know and put your feet up....sending love your way xxx
Thankyou for all your kind words. I'm having a cup of tea and trying to relax but my fear is that my cervix is open and I just know that is bad news. That can't be good news. I'm just praying I'm wrong. I hate that I can only wait to find out.
Hi everyone - hope you don't mind me thread hopping, I'm due early Feb but my son was 3 weeks early so I could end up being a Jan mummy. I noticed you talk about the sea bands and I've been thinking of trying them, however has anyone ever had anyone ask about them before you've announced your pregnancy?

I kept then covered with cardigans. Most don't know what they are anyway you could get away with saying sweat bands lol
Oh SmithyBaby, I am so sorry this is happening! I hope all turns out okay for you. Keeping my FX that all is okay with the baby. <3
Hi Donna! I've heard stories of women delivering 3 weeks early with their first then 2+ weeks late with their next. Who knows what could happen haha I guess the baby will come whenever they are ready! <3

Sarah- Thank you, I had never heard of sea bands until I got on this forum. Might have to check it out. :D
My first I went into labour on my due date (18/5/15) but she was born by emergency c-sec two days later. My second was due on 5/11/17 but I went into labour and she arrived by emergency c-sec 3 days before. It's probably inevitable that this one will be c-sec too so might as well plan it from the start :wall2:

Has anyone got any predications about what gender they're having? I know it's early, but with my other two I predicted correctly that they were girls!
Hi Donna! I've heard stories of women delivering 3 weeks early with their first then 2+ weeks late with their next. Who knows what could happen haha I guess the baby will come whenever they are ready! <3

Sarah- Thank you, I had never heard of sea bands until I got on this forum. Might have to check it out. :D

I honestly don't mind when this one comes at the moment - if it hangs in there a while it will be further away from my brothers wedding which would be nice haha as I'm due 10 days after it. But as long as baby is happy and healthy so am I :)
My first I went into labour on my due date (18/5/15) but she was born by emergency c-sec two days later. My second was due on 5/11/17 but I went into labour and she arrived by emergency c-sec 3 days before. It's probably inevitable that this one will be c-sec too so might as well plan it from the start :wall2:

Has anyone got any predications about what gender they're having? I know it's early, but with my other two I predicted correctly that they were girls!

I'm not sure, I'm thinking boy but I'm not sure if that's just because we already have a boy and everyone we've known recently to have a baby has had a boy too. Would love a girl just to mix things up a bit, but again really happy with either.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you smithy. I really hope the bleeding stops. x
Have you heard of the old wives tale about using baking soda and fmu? If it fizzes, it's a boy and if it doesn't, it's a girl...usually you can do it around 10 weeks. A lot of women have had accurate results from it.

Hubby and I would like a girl first but with our luck, we would have a boy. Either way I will be happy with a healthy baby <3

His siblings have a total of 6 girls and 3 boys with 2 more coming... ahaha then ours. That a lot of grandchildren for his mom and dad.. :D
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Those at home tests are pretty unreliable and really just for fun. They've got a 50% chance of being right no matter how absurd they are!

We're the same. We both would prefer a girl so I bet we'll have a boy, haha.
Oh sure and they depend on so many factors like what you've ate or drank. Would be fun to see if they are right haha!

The name we have picked out for a girl is a strong eldest sibling name lol and our boy name is very youngest sibling sounding if that makes any sense :rotfl:
Aw I don't think any names sound young or old! If we have a boy hubby wants to name it... I kid you not... Frost. All his boy names are utter garbage :rofl: I'm mainly hoping for a girl so we don't have to argue over boys names forever.
Ahaha Frost?! I have a cousin whose name is Streete.... I hope you have a girl too for your sake :smile:
Hubby really wants a boy, I would like another girl I know what I&#8217;m doing with the nappies then lol. We have a girls name picked out that we like and a boys name too although I did with my first and she was none of her picked names haha x

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