Jacks routine


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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jack is 9 weeks old and i think ive got a routine going,

7 / 7:30 wakes and has 5oz of milk and comes into bed with me for a bit of a play and a chat
8:30 / 9 into his big cot for a sleep
11 another 5oz bottle, plays for 30mins then i usually put him into his pushchair as we usually go out so he will sleep in there
2:30 5oz bottle and back to sleep
6:30 5oz bottle and play
8:00 bath time and about 3oz of milk then i put him to bed
3am 5oz bottle

he doesnt spend much time awake but im guessing this is about right for his age?! i want to start giving him a dreamfeed at about 11 instead of him waking me at 3am, think i might give it a go 2night so will let u no how it goes! he is getting quite big now and is getting a bit of a tight squeeze in his carrycot so am thinking about putting him in his own room soon but is it to early? what routine did your baby have at this age?
Wow that sounds brilliant, Ryan never slept really until he was 4 months old. Sounds like you're doing brilliantly.
Charlie is 14 weeks, he wakes at 7am takes 8ozs, again at 11am and 3pm, he is bathed at 6.15 and has his last bottle at 7pm and sleeps right through. i am really lucky, he only ever woke once throught the night right from the start, at 6 weeks i started reducing the 3am feed by an ounce every few days until he stopped waking for it. He then slept from 11pm until 7am. I was dream feeding him at 11 so when he was 11weeks i decided to just not do it one night and he slept right through, he has since increased his bottles from 6/7 oz to 8oz.

edited to add Charlie went into his own room at 7 weeks, he sleeps so much better in his cot than the moses basket and i sleep much better not hearing every grunt and groan he makes!!
Londoner Claire said:
Wow Swan, that's brill.

I know I cant believe what a good baby he is, I keep waiting for it to all go pear shaped and him to turn into a horror!! The last few days he has had really red cheeks and drooling loads and been a bit out of sorts and i was convinced he would be up all night with sore teeth, but no he is still sleeping 12 hours. He spends all day just laughing at everything, as i say i am waiting for it all to go horribly wrong!!!!!!
wow they are really great routines, Alfies is, (ill start from bedtime)

4.45pm bath/ dress
5.00pm baby massage
5.15pm bottle
5.30pm sleeps through
5.30am bottle back down till 8am
8am porridge and few oz milk
8.30 - 10am play
10 - 10.30 nap
10.30 - 11am play
11.00 bottle
12.00pm - 12.30pm nap
12.30pm - 2pm play
2pm veg and milk
2.30 - 3.00 nap
3 - 4.45play

these times are ish'es but thats pretty much how it goes every day
well the dream feed didnt work!

Jack had his bath and bedtime bottle as usual and i put him in his carrycot to sleep then gave him a dreamfeed at 11:30 and he took 3oz. he woke at 3:30, i gave him his dummy and he slept for another 15mins but then woke again and i couldnt settle him back to sleep so i gave him a bottle and he guzzled down 5oz like he hadnt been fed for a week! even after that he was really unsettled and i had to cuddle him to sleep which i havnt done for ages but he still seemed hungry, even though he had an extra 3oz at 11! we woke at 8 this morning
Its so annoying cos he usually sleeps from about 9 til 3 so i no he can do it, just wish he slept that long it the later part of the night when im asleep (12 til 6 or something!) should i keep going with the dream feed or give up and just hope he drops his 3am feed soon so i can get a whole nights sleep!
i tried Alfie with a dream feed but like jack he still woke up so i never bothered after that i thought he'll wake up when hes hungry
swan1 said:
Londoner Claire said:
Wow Swan, that's brill.

I know I cant believe what a good baby he is, I keep waiting for it to all go pear shaped and him to turn into a horror!! The last few days he has had really red cheeks and drooling loads and been a bit out of sorts and i was convinced he would be up all night with sore teeth, but no he is still sleeping 12 hours. He spends all day just laughing at everything, as i say i am waiting for it all to go horribly wrong!!!!!!

I hate the first three months, you can have Jade for me. lol
Londoner Claire said:
swan1 said:
[quote="Londoner Claire":kw805qkz]Wow Swan, that's brill.

I know I cant believe what a good baby he is, I keep waiting for it to all go pear shaped and him to turn into a horror!! The last few days he has had really red cheeks and drooling loads and been a bit out of sorts and i was convinced he would be up all night with sore teeth, but no he is still sleeping 12 hours. He spends all day just laughing at everything, as i say i am waiting for it all to go horribly wrong!!!!!!

I hate the first three months, you can have Jade for me. lol[/quote:kw805qkz]

No problem just package her up and post her off, I am desperate for another one anyway!!! Hubby says i have to wait a bit though!!!
dont tell him hun accidents happen lol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i am so excited about having more too
dream feeds doesnt seem to work on Alastair either :?

wish Alastair slept through the night :hug:
At that age I used to change Ellies nappy to make sure she was awake for her "dream feed". Once she had stopped waking at around 3am ish and was sleeping through reguarly until 7:30am, did I stop waking her for the dreamfeed. Though I was dreamfeeding her from pretty much day 1, don't know if that makes a difference.
jack slept through the night last nite! last feed at about 9pm, i had to go and give him his dummy about 3 or 4 times between 3:30 and 6 but thats all he wanted, then he had his bottle at 6! im so pleased!
but think i need to change his routine cos hes been really tired from about 5:30 after his tea time bottle then i finally get him to sleep and it should be his bath time so i end up waking him up, which he doesnt seem to mind cos as soon as he hears the bath hes all smiles!! then he only has about 2/3oz before i put him to bed. so this is my new plan:

6am 5oz bottle then back to sleep
9:30am 5oz bottle play then sleep
1:00 5oz bottle play then sleep
4:30 5oz bottle play sleep
7:30 bath 3/4oz bottle bed

is this ebough milk? hes putting on weight really well so dont no why im so worried, but being a single mum i have noone to discuss his routine with!! (sorry this is so long!)

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