Jack's Cot


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Well i put Jack in his cot last night and he looked tiny!
I made sure his feet were at the bottom of the cot and there was all this big cot around him and he looked lost.

He shares a room with Amy at the moment as i only live in a 2 bedder til i can upgrade to a 3 bedder and he's such a noisy sleeper.
He sleeps right through form 8.30 til 8am so i put Amy to bed and made sure she was asleep and then put Jack up.
All was fine til 1am when he started to snore really loud and it woke Amy up! She was stirring then and kept shouting me and Andy, which then woke Jack up!!

I was uo til 2.30 this morning trying to get them both to sleep, but because Amy had been in bed since 7.30 she has had a good sleep and wasn't tired!

I hope it not like this everynight, i'm not used to lack of sleep :(

aww you poor thing must be tough , do you have room in your room for his cot so he can sleep in there if it keeps happening, if not maybe Amy will get used to him sleeping noisy ?
Hope you work it allout and get some sleep :shock:
How did last night go Yvonne?
Not bad, they both seemed to sleep, but i have just got home from a night at my friends and Andy has had to put Jack in our room cos he kept aking Amy up!!
It's going to take her a while to get used to having someone in her room with her i think
Recently I decided to nap Naomi in her cot during the day as she won't be in her basket for much longer, she's growing so quickly. I want her to be used to the cot.

And yes, she's dotty in it! SO tiny! It's a laugh, how we both think she's enormous now, and when we do something like that we realise again how tiny she really is.


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