... the wrappers they are in are so nice and glossy.
I wonder what they look like inside.
Apparently 5mIU tests can detect pregnancy at 7 DPO, soooo shouldn't my 10mIU tests detect as early as 8 DPO if the hormones double every day or are the maths involved not that simple?
Tomorrow is 5 to 7DPO and then Saturday is 6 to***8***.
I wonder what symtoms i'll get this month
I wonder what they look like inside.
Apparently 5mIU tests can detect pregnancy at 7 DPO, soooo shouldn't my 10mIU tests detect as early as 8 DPO if the hormones double every day or are the maths involved not that simple?
Tomorrow is 5 to 7DPO and then Saturday is 6 to***8***.
I wonder what symtoms i'll get this month