I've set myself a goal!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Is anyone else worried about being a fat frump after they give birth? I have decided that I will be back in my DH's favourite outfit by next June for my birthday! That gives me a sensible 8 months to do it in and it is what I wore for my 31st birthday 2 years before. Its a pair of white trousers and a really skimpy black Jane norman top that is very low cut and has a slit in the front showing of my belly ring and a bit of belly. If I can wear this outfit again I will feel like a right sex kitten :lol:

Has anyone else got something that they aspire to wear again? I am going to hang it on the outside of my wardrobe as a reminder!
Good idea hun,my birthday is in june so i will join you :D xx
Well my birthday is in january so i'll still be a fat frump! At least i'll still have my boobs at that point!!
I cant think of a date i could use as a goal! :(

could I join you and have June?

I've got a wedding dress to fit into for next May! Currently having it made up to measurements taken in very early pregnancy so I don't have to be QUITE pre-pregnancy!

I was quite curvy before though so I've only put about a stone and a half on, how about you girls?
I've not actually put on that much weight yet to be honest a few pounds as such but i have gone from a size 8/10 to a 14, but that's just mainly so my expanding tummy can fit into the clothes, other than my tummy and boobs everything else is pretty much the same size as before!
You hear of these celebs who put on 4/5 stone but that's usually only because they were so underweight before!

I think most sensible pregnancy weight can be lost but it's the SHAPE of our figures that will NEVER be the same! :(
I've put on 2 and a half stone nearly. :oops:
Im nearly the same as hubby!!!

I've just looked at my wedding dress I wore last july- no chance of getting near that now!!!

Your hubby would be pleased to hear that, I hope!! :D
Oh great, we can all support each other! I think next spring/summer is a sensible amount of time :D

I haven't been weighing mysélf, that would be far too depressing! I feel like a house but i guess most of its boobs and belly because while my backside is ginormous it was also big before :lol: I can still wear my pre-pregnancy jeans with a belly belt but they do feel tighter all over. I'm really hoping I can breastfeed and burn up some calories!

LittleMinx didn't know you were getting married, that's exciting, what's your dress like?
That's bl**dy lovely! I really regret wearing white for my wedding in Vegas. My Dad gave me the money to have a dress made and I planned to have a red slinky monroesque, split to the thigh dress but I was just opening my shop and just didn't have time to sort it out and got a dress last minute of ebay instead :lol:

Are you getting married in a special place? You'll have to dress you LO up in something special too!
Ebay's the best! We're having a civil do in a local hotel, and have already started looking for tiny suits for baby! Want him to have a little gold waistcoat to match the groom's party.

I was SO full of wedding plans, scrapbooks the works, but it's all faded off now we getting a head start on the family! The plan was always to turn 30, marry and then babies. I wish I could have done it in the 'proper' order, but hey ho, life gets in the way! :D

You should post a wedding pic, I'm sure there was a thread somewhere. :)
LittleMinx that dress is absolutly stunning hun, makes me want to get married just for the dress!
Yep I agree. That dress is gorgeous. When is it your getting married?

May 4th. So a similar time scale to your June target I guess, since I'm a couple of months ahead in pregnancy! :)
I'm a bridesmaid in July my besty mate has had to guess my size by putting the dress up agaist my old clothes so treadmill post giving birth here I come! :?
Ah Liittle minx you must be realy excited!!

I was meant to be a bridesmaid on the 21 October for my best friend....
I then found out I was pregnant and due on the 14th October!!So safe to saay Im not a bridesmaid now. I think its because we were joking about it about a month before about how funny it'll be if I go pregnant and baby due on her wedding day!!!

That dress i gorgeous!!

13 years ago when I had Kayleigh, I left the hospital 5 days later in my size 8 pre-pregnancy jeans. Should I set myself the same goal again this time??!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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