Ive put my back out and in agony!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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OMG i was working this morning with the horses, and i literally bent to pick up some horse boots, and BAM the worst pain of my life shot through my lower back. i had to lay there in the stable then i got up and have been in agony ever since.

My job is not the type i can jut not do a the horses need doing!?!?!

I am scared to even take paracetamol. how safe is it in early pregnancy???

doe anyone have any suggestions? :(

Just layin in bed crying at the mo!! :(
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Aww bless you, have you seen a doctor? Try not to get upset, will a hot water bottle help, i have one permanetly attached to my back at the moment? As far as i know paracetamol is fine, but not ibuprofene. I'd say call the doctor though and explain your concerns, hope your ok chick x
Oh poor you!! Maybe you have pulled a ligament - they get all stretchy now! Ring your GP and get some advice then you can put your mind at rest; hope you feel better soon! xx
i just have all this work to do today and no one else can do it. and i cant move :(

meant to have tomorrow off to go to olympia for a big annual horse show tomorrow with my mum too.

god i really dont know what to do. surely being in this much pain cant be good for the baby?? and if i force myself to work the rest of the day will i make it worse?
will call doctor now x
You're not immune to being ill/injured - there must be someone who can look after them - speak to your boss xx
Honey you and the baby come first, if you need bed rest then thats what you'll have to do i guess. I hope the gp is helpful x
i am gonna have to call my boss but i have had quite a few sick days this year so feel bloody useless??!

just spoke to the doctor and he said he definietly wouldnt take paracetamol in the first trimester!!!! and i have to rest or it will get worse!

so scared to call my boss xx
I'm suprised about the parecetamol because the hospital tried to give me some when i was refusing pain killers at 7 weeks when i was admitted with pains. I think they all change their minds over whats safe and what isn't. Have you called your boss yet. I hate being off sick too, but have had some complications with this baby so been signed off for a while now, but i've had to deal with it and put my family first for once. Hope your feeling a bit better x
guess different doctors have different opinions too. im gonna be safe and not take anything till at least after 1st trimester.

grrr dont feel sick today either, just to add to my worries. x
I havent felt sick either but my boobs are more than making up for it - they are so sore and I feel like a snake with two heads! A bit snappy today :( Dont worry about going off sick, if need be get a certificate from your GP :)
I hope it goes OK telling your boss, everyone else is right though, you and your baby come first!! Rest up and don't get getting back to work too quickly! I'm sure your boss will understand, we all need to rest if we get injured!! Hope you start to feel better soon x
with my first pregnancy I had really bad streching pains, and the midwife told me to take paracetamol, was told I could take it while I was crampin with my mc before it was confirmed and this week the dr and pharmacist have ok'ed it with this cold to stop any fevers, I woul say take it, try and take it every 6 hours to spread it further, or see if 1 tablet eases it enough before trying two :hugs:
im just scared to now he has said not to though?

everyone has always said its ok but surely the baby will get some of it if its in my blood? he is a nice decent old english gentleman type doc?!
baby lives on its own supply for the first 8 weeks, and even then ur liver filters it before it gets
Hi honey,

found this for you, about taking pain killers in pregnancy, its from the nhs, and it says ideally nothing in first 3 months, but then says for short term pain relief, a low dosage should be fine, no evidence, blah blah. Don't know if it will help


Oh hun, so sorry to hear that. Its awful when you feel guilty about being off sick. Have you told them you're pregnant yet?

I hope your boss was okay, and I hope your back heals up, it probably is all the stretchy ligaments, we're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting for that reason.

Its so rubbish that we're not allowed pain killers, I got a headache the other night and was stumped!I usually pop a pill and get on with it, had to go and lie down instead! boo!

I thought paracetamel was fine to take and took some when i had an ear infection a few weeks ago, doc said that was fine, but that was all i could take. I took one at a time rather than two, you probably need to rest, horses are hard work and everyone will understand!

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