I've just got glasses !!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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After about a year of putting it off I finally got my eye tested and was told Im short sighted as hell

So i got my gigs the other day, ive tripped over 4 curbs already haha !!

Just gettin used to them

These pics should make u laff :p

With me gigs on

4 Eyes

Serious Business

Disguise !!

Hahah !!

Anyone else wear glasses? Do you hate wearing them?
i'm supposed to wear glasses but never get round to getting my eyes tested so i walk around squinting all the time!

you suit your glasses though - good choice of frames. they always make one look more itelligent :lol:
ToriElla said:
i'm supposed to wear glasses but never get round to getting my eyes tested so i walk around squinting all the time!
Yeh thats what i was like !! Everyone used to think i was stirring them out haha !!

ToriElla said:
you suit your glasses though - good choice of frames. they always make one look more itelligent :lol:
Thanks, those glasses were only £35, they were the exact same as another stylish pair for £85 so i got a bargain :D
fancy glasses Mr! I have glasses and I love them. I dont look right without them, its as if something is missing from my face.

It makes wearing make up a bit difficult, a problem which I would assume you dont have but hey its 2006, you never know.

They are very nice!
I wore glasses from the age of 3 until 2 years ago when I paid £2400 for laser treatment. It was the best thing I ever did.

Saying that though, I was soooooo short-sighted that there was no way I could get by without them. I think that some people just suit glasses and I didn't. I just look odd in all my old photos now. My daughter has to wear them for distance stuff, and they really suit her, and I think yours do too JMC. :D
they really do suit you 8) lol at your last pic though :D

im meant to wear glasses but i dont like the things
I need glasses badly but can't be bothered to go for an eye test. I did have some but I lost them yonks ago.

tankett said:
I wore glasses from the age of 3 until 2 years ago when I paid £2400 for laser treatment. It was the best thing I ever did.

Saying that though, I was soooooo short-sighted that there was no way I could get by without them. I think that some people just suit glasses and I didn't. I just look odd in all my old photos now. My daughter has to wear them for distance stuff, and they really suit her, and I think yours do too JMC. :D

wow £2400 thats a lot of money !!

Did it actually work well?

What could you see better with, the glasses or laser eye treatment
I have worn glasses since i was 5 and i have had some seriously bad ones free from the NHS. Up until i got my own money my mum would insist i wear the free ones and as a teenager i looked like a mini mrs barlow absolutly shocking. Now i have some nicer frames my latest ones cost £100 and after 2 days i managed to accidently sit on them and break them while putting my contacts in :shock: (Old habits die hard i use to always try and break my old ones).
I prefere my contacts anyway lol
Does anyone use contacts?

Whats the deal with them

I'd hate to have to touch my eyes constantly :|
I use contacts but.............

the first ever time I got them and wore them home, I couldnt get them out when I went to bed. My sister helped me and was sticking a cotton bud in my eye etc and we tried for 2 hours! My eyes were all swollen and red so my sister phoned NHS direct for advice. They told us that I should go to A&E coz they couldn't stay in overnight so I had to wake up my mum at 2am and get her to drive me to the hospital so I could get them removed :rotfl:

Didnt put me off tho - had another crack at them and now wear them all the time. They are fab! Wouldnt be without them and Specsavers post them to me so I dont even have to pick them up. Give em a go!
JMC said:
wow £2400 thats a lot of money !!

Did it actually work well?

What could you see better with, the glasses or laser eye treatment

I now have 20/20 vision, which is better than even the surgeons expected! :dance:

You can get it for as little as £395 per eye, but I was extremely short-sighted, and my cornea was very thin, and I also had astigmatism. The combination of all 3 of these meant I couldn't even get it done to start with, and they turned me down a few years ago. They then wrote to me 2 years ago to say there was a new technology out (can't currently remember the name :think: ), and I went for another assessment. And they said Yes! :dance: :dance:

It's not actually that expensive when you work out that I used to spend £25 per month on contacts, and £350 once a year for new glasses. They were so expensive, not because they were designer, but because I had to pay extra for the ultra ultra thin and light lenses. So that's £650 per year, so I've already saved myself £1300. Less than 2 years to go and they've paid for themselves!! :dance:
Beware Sarah!

I was a speccy four eyes in denial for years until I noticed lines appearing round my eyes! now I wear my glasses everyday to try to hang on to my youth!!

Squinting is bad for you! :D
Im long sighted but dont wear my glasses much because i keep putting off taking them to vision express while they are still insured to get them realligned..

cas xx
I've got both contacts and glasses - although I only wear the glasses if I'm not going out. They make me look TERRIBLE.

I wore glasses only from the age of 7 till 16 and then I got the contacts.

I'm incredibly short sighted. My contact lens strength is -7.0
JMC said:
Ive just got glasses!!!

Well done! :lol:

Awww check you posing with your new glasses on.... bless lol

I wear glasses, but only for driving. Wish i didnt have to wear them, hate seeing the road and knowing whats coming :? lol
(bad learner driver)

Great choice they look great :D
I used to wear thembut when i was 6 got eye surgery still go cross eyes once in a while though.

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