I've just freaked out!


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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I went into the kitchen a few minutes ago. It's a bit of an obstacle at the mo coz the dishwasher is playing up so OH has tried leaving it to drain for a while. Anyway, while stepping over bits and pieces to get my mobile out of the changing bag i nearly stepped on something that wasn't there earlier!
One of the cats had only brought in a rat!!!! I screamed and ran out the room!!! Woke up Angel as i burst into tears! I refused to go back in there til it had gone and OH said he wasn't doing it coz he's freaked out by it! He did it eventually. I put bleach on the floor where it had been! Lol
And there's Alfie, just laid in my pile of washing as if nothing had happened!!! He's never done anything like this before! We've had him 4 years!
Oooh, ick ick ick!

Aren't cats awful? Mine don't go outside, so the worst they bring me is half a dead fly (which inevitably leads to a hunt for the other half, or the cat being horrifically ill for a couple of days). My aunt lives abroad, and hers have brought in a live scorpion before. Gah.

Was it dead? *shudder* :hug:
Yeah it was dead. I thought it was a mouse til i described it to OH and realised it was a rat!

The boiler man let out 2 of my house cats the other day (Only one goes out coz he refuses to socialise with the other 3) We were searching for 1 as he''d never been out before. Saw some trees moving over the road and along comes Evil Tilly with a dead bird with a broken neck. I burst into tears then!
:lol: sorry hun am just picturing your face :lol:

I would of freaked out to.

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