I've heard...


New Member
Apr 6, 2012
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That a lot, and I mean a LOT, of women can be pregnant and not get a positive urine reading until even a few months into pregnancy or not at all throughout.

How common is this?

I go tomorrow to get a blood test done. I did a urine test today (around noon) and it was negative, but I have been very regular on the pill (I was off for about a week, which is when I think I may have conceived if I did) and have been taking it every day since. The week I was off was the about the last week in January, maybe a little earlier. I had very light bleeding in Feb, but only for about two days. My periods are normally very heavy. I am about 10 days late for March. I have had brownish spotting all month, discharge, migraines, moodiness, nausea and sickness, backaches, and a lot of issues with cramping and pain in my stomach and what feels like the lower part of my stomach. I've also started feeling bloated and my belly is bigger although I have been exercising and working out and trying to LOSE weight. (I have never had a 'belly', and all of a sudden I do!!)
I know all of those are signs of a period, but I never get period symptoms. I only ever get cramps AFTER it has already started. =/

Could I be pregnant and just have very low levels that don't show up in urine tests? How common is this? Please get back to me on this, I feel like I am going crazy! o:
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It's possible but it's rare to be that late and not have hcg levels that are detectable in a urine if you are pregnant. The blood test will tell you for sure. Good luck!
It does happen but it is very rare not to get a + reading on a Home Pregnancy test if you are pregnant...

I hope you get your answer soon hun

Could all these symptoms be open to the break in the pill?

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my friend didnt get a positive on a home test until she was a few months x
it cant be that common, or we would see it happening on this website fairy often! And I have to say, I have not heard of it once happening to any forum poster on here, and there is a lot of pregnant woman on here.

and its hcg that makes you feel sick, but if you dont have enough of it for a test to detect, I doubt there would be enough to make you sick?

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