I've had enough :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I don't really know how to write this but without going into too many details, I've had enough.
It sounds so awful I know but I just want to run away and disappear or just end it all. I feel like i'm on my own all the time even when DH is at home, he's always got something better to do than spend any time with me & even when i have tried to talk to him about things nothing changes, he doesn't give a shit most of the time i'm sure, too busy in doing what he's doing.

Jamie is driving me mad, this poxy house is driving me mad along with everything in it (everything is breaking or doesn't work or is just plain crap) the house is (still) a pig sty no matter what I do :roll:

Just coz i've moved house my friends can't seem to be bothered (i've tried with them all many times & just get ignored & don't know why)

My Dad is in alot of pain again, he's gone back to hospital today (he's got cancer, a tumour growing on his spine which in turn is crumbling it) and my poor Mum is left to do everything & I'm not close by anymore to help out so feel really guilty.

I'm sorry to rant on, I know it sounds trivial to most of you but I just don't know what to do anymore. My past keeps haunting me too, don't know why but things keep reminding me of what has happened to me & I just keep crying. I'm slowly going mad :cry:
aaaarw nicki, hugs for u :hug: :hug: :hug:
can ur DH not have Jamie for the night while u go out with the girls?
I feel like that at the minute too, everythings just getting to me. I actually turned round to OH the other day and said 'I wish I didn't have to worry about any of you, I just want it to be me against the world!' Its gonna take a long time for me to get over the guilt of that one...

My nanas in hospital, she's had a stroke. Josh is off nursery cos he's poorly and I get no time to myself. The house is a mess and when I tidy it it takes 2 minutes til its a mess again :roll:

Anyway, this isnt about me, Im rambling on in your thread :oops:

Try taking some time out for yourself, PM me if you want to talk. Im good at listening to people rant about anything and everything lol :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh it doesnt sound trivial at all i understand most of the things u r saying time my oh works a lot and when he is here its like getting blood out of a stone talking to him and i moved and my friends couldnt be bothered to keep in touch sounds like you have so much going on try talking to your oh and getting him to help and im really sorry about ur dad but its not ur fault you cant help out youve got a lot to deal with yourself i hope things get better 4 u soon :hug:
Just wanted to send you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You definatly need some me time, give your LO to your OH for the day and night and treat yourself and let your hair down

I'm always here if you need to chat :hug:
x-kirsty-x said:
I feel like that at the minute too, everythings just getting to me. I actually turned round to OH the other day and said 'I wish I didn't have to worry about any of you, I just want it to be me against the world!' Its gonna take a long time for me to get over the guilt of that one...

My nanas in hospital, she's had a stroke. Josh is off nursery cos he's poorly and I get no time to myself. The house is a mess and when I tidy it it takes 2 minutes til its a mess again :roll:

Anyway, this isnt about me, Im rambling on in your thread :oops:

Try taking some time out for yourself, PM me if you want to talk. Im good at listening to people rant about anything and everything lol :hug: :hug: :hug:

It' ok hun :hug: i'm sorry to hear about your Nana, I hope she'll be ok, do they know when she can come out of hospital?

I would like to have time out for myself but short of killing everyone it doesn't happen, even if I say to my DH i'm going on the computer for 5 mins he has to come in the same room with Jamie & the dog :roll: , I never get any piece. I have suggested to DH that we put Jamie into a nursery for 1 day a week so that we get time on our own to do stuff (apart from going to the shops we don't do anything) but when I told him how much it would cost he just said 'thats alot of money, it would make things very tight' basically saying no! he gets time away from the house & has adult conversation so its ok for him

On my own again as DH has just left for work & won't be home til 11.30ish tonight. He can't even be bothered to ask if i'm alright (the tears kind of say i'm not!!!) so just left without saying goodbye. He can't ever talk to me about stuff, just ignores it. Where's my Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet?????
sorry your feeling down hunni, PM me if you want a chat take care chick

same with you Kirsty - hope you both feel a bit better soon take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. If you need to chat I'm here too, just PM me :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry you're feeling down.......wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ah babe i had no idea you were feeling so down :cry:

i'm sorry dh is being such a twat right now - you deserve time to yourself as much as he does. have you though of maybe getting part time work? even if it was only covering jamies nursey for the day it would still give you space to be you and you may meet some new friends too.

must all be made even worse with feeling isolated where you are now, and having left your lovely decorated home to live somewhere thats not sorted yet ( i remeber that feeling when we were doing our place up!). if you fancy coming up some time i'd be glad to meet up hun.

sorry to hear your dads not well again.

sounds like one of those times when if it was each thing on its own it wouldnt be so bad, but with it all coming at you at the same time its hard to know how to cope. i guess maybe try and deal with one thing at a time? maybe starting with a part time job and nursery if you think it would be good for you?

always about if you want to pm me :hug:

Em78 said:
ah babe i had no idea you were feeling so down :cry:

i'm sorry dh is being such a tw*t right now - you deserve time to yourself as much as he does. have you though of maybe getting part time work? even if it was only covering jamies nursey for the day it would still give you space to be you and you may meet some new friends too.

must all be made even worse with feeling isolated where you are now, and having left your lovely decorated home to live somewhere thats not sorted yet ( i remeber that feeling when we were doing our place up!). if you fancy coming up some time i'd be glad to meet up hun.

sorry to hear your dads not well again.

sounds like one of those times when if it was each thing on its own it wouldnt be so bad, but with it all coming at you at the same time its hard to know how to cope. i guess maybe try and deal with one thing at a time? maybe starting with a part time job and nursery if you think it would be good for you?

always about if you want to pm me :hug:


Thanks hunny :hug: . Having a good cry has helped a bit!! Dave just gets on my nerves, why he can't talk to me I don't know, he never does :twisted: it doesn't help that when I get down my imagination starts then that makes me feel more depressed (all that what if's & if only's out coming!)

We'll have to arrange a time to meet up again soon, Jamie's walking has come along alot so will be chasing Alex round the house for those kisses :shock: !!!!
Oh no i better warn him :lol: wouldnt be so bad if they were closed mouth but i think jamie uses tounge :roll:

just let me know when you are next coming up to horsham and i'm sure we can arrange something.

take care hun :hug:

aww hun im sorry ur feeling down, men are soooo rubbish!
I dont really know what to say hun but im here if u wanna chat, and sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Tori x x x
Awww, im sorry you are feeling like this :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im here if you want to talk :) :hug: :hug:

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