Just got back from the doctors and I saw the most handsome young student doctor! typical that I look like utter shit and am pregnant hahahaha

he was very sweet, but my doctor gave him a really hard time and I was in the appointment 30 minutes! Oh well guess there is only one way to learn!
Anyway, I have been sick around 7 times today. Student did a load of little tests like blood pressure, urine, capillary refill on my fingers, and said I am dehydrated so luckily I didn't seem like I was making a load of crap up. I did say I haven't got time to be admitted, and he said Im not badly dehydrated so they prescribed me some anti sickness tablets that I actually cannot wait to take! I have just taken one and pray to god that I don't feel sick later. He said to go back in 2 weeks if things are improving or to go back in a few days if I am still throwing up because of course I will be even more dehydrated and in this case I would have to go on a drip.
I feel rough today of course but I am so optimistic about these tablets, honestly if they don't work I don't think anything will.
BeeSmall - love I know exactly the cloud you are talking about. I feel like a moany old failiure because people seem to enjoy pregnancy and I just am one of those people that don't and I strongly believe I am just not cut out for it at all. I haven't cried this much in absolutely ages, and I dont feel like I am crying because I am hormonal, I feel like I am generally really down. I have a few things to arm me from sickness now so these tablets, got some ginger biscuits and ordered magnesium oil and I pray these things will really help me, because if not my next doctor visit will be for some anti depressants.
I ordered some vitamin d because my midwife said I should be taking these and I am hoping maybe they will help a little too, like feeling like the sun has been on you (haha fat chance of that here!) but who knows.
If you ever wanna private message me Bee feel free because we both obviously feel quite similar xx