It's melt down day.

Also try oral or topical magnesium- magnesium deficiency can be a root cause of MS. Since I started supplementing with magnesium my nausea is gone. Good luck!

Thank you for this, if its topical where do you put it lol? If i go to my pharmacist will they know what I am going on about if I ask them lol?

Bee I am totally with you on that, I really really cannot go through this again, ever. It is a shame because babies are amazing and I am somewhat sad to think this is the last time I will be doing it but I seriously am not friends with pregnancy xx
Kholl I am doing some research but nowhere explains where I put it on my body and how much or how often? I want to buy some oil to see if this helps first but I don't understand how to use it xx
I drink Natural Calm every night, but if you are throwing up that might be difficult (it tastes delicious though). The magnesium oil I have is Ancient Minerals, directions are on the bottle.
Thanks! I just bought the spray magnesium oil from Holland and Barrett and will see if that helps. Xx
I def. think go to the doctor again. A diffent one, obvs!
Think about Kate Middleton and how I'll she was! She was hospitalised, so don't take no for an answer. You deserve to be taken seriously! You hshouldn't not be able to function and have to stay off work, even though i reckon it sounds lie that is a good plan at the moment until you get sorted! Xxxx
I wish I had time to stay off work I really do. I'm a dog groomer on my own so don't have anywhere to send the customers at the moment, I am working on that though because to be honest I'm just absolutely not going to cope through this pregnancy being as busy at work as I am at the moment.

This morning I've woken again with a really sore throat, sicked up my breakfast and just can't stop crying! I really am debating on going back on anti depressants as it terrifies me I might go down the depressed route. I really won't be able to cope if that is the next thing on the cards xx
I've never had depression but honestly feel like this is bloody close to what I expect it to be like. I feel as though I'm living in a permanent cloud, I'm so miserable, can't even do the simplest of tasks. I know it's because of the sickness but I'm so down in the dumps about it I don't feel like anyone really gets it. Do you know what I mean? You definitely need to see a doctor and explain how you're feeling xx
I really really feel for you Hun! I suffered exactly the same with both my previous pregnancies. The first time i literally stayed in bed until I was about 16 weeks when it eased! I tried everything but nothing helped. I threw up everything I tried to eat. The second time was just as bad and lasted the whole way through. I had a baby to look after so really struggled. I ended up going to the doctors to ask for tablets and they gave me ordinary travel sickness tablets and they were amazing! I had to take one before bed and the next day I literally felt 100% they were miracle workers. I did worry as obviously they haven't been tested but I just took them when I absolutely had too - like if I had something to do the next day.

The way your doctor spoke to you is disgusting. It's truly the most awful feeling I've ever experienced, in my opinion it's not the type of sickness a none pregnant person would ever feel. Big hugs and I hope it eases soon for you :) xx
Just got back from the doctors and I saw the most handsome young student doctor! typical that I look like utter shit and am pregnant hahahaha :rofl: he was very sweet, but my doctor gave him a really hard time and I was in the appointment 30 minutes! Oh well guess there is only one way to learn!

Anyway, I have been sick around 7 times today. Student did a load of little tests like blood pressure, urine, capillary refill on my fingers, and said I am dehydrated so luckily I didn't seem like I was making a load of crap up. I did say I haven't got time to be admitted, and he said Im not badly dehydrated so they prescribed me some anti sickness tablets that I actually cannot wait to take! I have just taken one and pray to god that I don't feel sick later. He said to go back in 2 weeks if things are improving or to go back in a few days if I am still throwing up because of course I will be even more dehydrated and in this case I would have to go on a drip.

I feel rough today of course but I am so optimistic about these tablets, honestly if they don't work I don't think anything will.

BeeSmall - love I know exactly the cloud you are talking about. I feel like a moany old failiure because people seem to enjoy pregnancy and I just am one of those people that don't and I strongly believe I am just not cut out for it at all. I haven't cried this much in absolutely ages, and I dont feel like I am crying because I am hormonal, I feel like I am generally really down. I have a few things to arm me from sickness now so these tablets, got some ginger biscuits and ordered magnesium oil and I pray these things will really help me, because if not my next doctor visit will be for some anti depressants.

I ordered some vitamin d because my midwife said I should be taking these and I am hoping maybe they will help a little too, like feeling like the sun has been on you (haha fat chance of that here!) but who knows.

If you ever wanna private message me Bee feel free because we both obviously feel quite similar xx
Thanks Hun, glad it's not just me that's a miserable cow! I can't stand people congratulating me on being pregnant or asking about names or clothes or anything, I'm just SO miserable. Fingers crossed for some cyclizine magic for us!!
Hey hun, firstly huge congrats on your pregnancy :) I used to come on here a lot when I was pregnant with my son and then daughter and noticed your post and felt I had to comment. My sister in law suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum through both of her pregnancies and ended up very poorly in hospital with her 2nd pregnancy due to severe dehydration. The doctors constantly fobbed her off and she got to the stage where she was so down and didn't know how to carry on. She is now spreading the word on the condition and we as a family are trying to educate people who just think it's a 'bit of morning sickness'. There is a great Facebook page who was created by a midwife who had hyperemesis gravidarum herself and she has written a book, which really helped my sister in law. It also has a great section in it which explains the condition to friends and family and even how you can explain to any other children why mummy is so poorly.

Sorry I didn't want to hijack your thread but wanted to let you know there is places you can seek advice and help and please don't feel depressed and alone if the doctors aren't helping you.

Take care xxx
Think I'll try the magnesium too...
It doesn't really help you, but you're definitely not alone. Pregnancy for me feels like a test: get through these nine months and then you can be a mother. I actually thought I'd never get pregnant again. But it's so wonderful once the baby's there and I really don't want DS to be a single child. I also recognise the 'cloudy feeling'... It's like nothing can make you really happy... Like everything is fine and you know normally you would feel happy but you just don't... And all these people telling you to be happy cause you're pregnant, only make it worse.
I really hope the medication helps you and remember: you did it with your daughter, you got through pregnancy and got a beautiful child. You can do it again!
Glad you're feeling better, you can relax and enjoy being preggers :) xx
Thank you Taffy Rose that is awesome - I'm going to search for that book. I love reading and anything to help eh!

I love the support on this forum, it is just so nice to have people that totally understand where you're coming from and not feel like a hypochondriac all the time. M

I've taken my sickness tablet this morning, and I still feel really sick, but I don't know if that's normal or not with these, last night the sick feeling went completely once I had taken it, so I guess we shall see if they work or not by 10am usually I've thrown up a few times. I've been sick once today and that was as soon as I woke up.

Just as I was coming out of that tired phase, it's sort of hit me again! I already can't wait for my bed! I am really looking forward to half term in a few weeks time actually because me and S can relax and have the week spent playing and staying in and napping (she's usually really into that sort of thing lol)

The first day I took them I felt amazing but since then I've had good days and bad days. They've definitely taken the edge off but I still feel pretty crappy most days despite the tablets. I know some people say they're absolutely amazing and work all of the time but they just haven't for me. I'm definitely able to eat a lot more and keep it down but still being sick occasionally and have the all day nausea. Hopefully yours will start to work properly soon x

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