Its hard on my own.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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well my DP has been in hospital since the early hours of friday morning with an infection in his hand (from a cut) but he has been away since the early hours of Tuesday morning on a footy trip (he is a massive England fan) so he hasnt been here for 6 days (apart from about half an hour to bring his suitcase back) and i am missing him like mad, i cant take Glenn with me to the hospital as its not suitable really, i dont want him to catch anything so that means i can only go up for a couple of hours a day cos my mum comes and sits with him while i go but i get worried after about an hour and half, he is a really good baby and i am getting sleep at night but i feel so lonely, its not the work load of a new baby, i can handle that its just having him there with me and being together, he is upset too as Glenn is only 10 days old and he has only been with him for 5 of them, i am taking pics of him with my phone but its not the same is it, i feel i just wanted to let it out as i feel i cant talk to anyone really and i need to put a brave face on things for the other kids, thanks for reading this.x
:hug: :hug:

hopefully it won't be too long before he's back
I have been on my own through seperation and when hubby has been away for work...get yourself some routine as much help as you can and make sure you sit down for half an hour at the end of the day.

hopefully he won't be in for long
well, they let him come home today but they have said to him that if his hand starts to change in any way he's gotta go straight back to the ward, well it is starting to swell up again! i cant believe it, it looks like he will be back in tonight after just a few hours, i am so depressed i am so sick of it now.

Oh no hun i hope he recovers fast :( i know it must be hard but try and concentrate on you and your LO and before you know it he will be back home :hug:
well he held off going to the hospital and its looking a bit better today (thank god!!) looks like it is going to be ok after all,it was so good last night having him next to me, Glenn slept all night again and woke us at 7.30 so he got a good night sleep too so that makes a difference, they say you can do anything on a good nights sleep dont they.x

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