its going too quick


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Im starting to get abit nervous now as it seem to go so quick! i look at my ticker and its moving in quite a speed! :eh:
19 weeks gone today, almost half way there.. and thats it.. i be having a little baby to look after.. i will forever be a mum.
What if im not gonna be good enough.. :shock:
In a way i so want the weeks to go so i get my scan, get the hard kicks and feel the baby move around..:oooo: but.. im terrified i wont be no good.

Anyone else thinks it goes very quick?
Aw don't be silly Hun, your gonna be a fab mum and do a great job! I do agree though, it is flying by!!
Everyone said to me "Oh it'll feel like your pregnant FOREVER!" but I can't believe how quickly it's flown in! I'm 25wks +2 and the spectrum of emotions and feelings I've been having are amazing! One minute I'm overjoyed at the prospect of meeting Bean and the next I'm terrafied about labour and what lays beyond! I'm sure we are not alone and it is completely normal (I hate that word ever since falling pregnant!:D) ........ But hey, chin up! I'm sure you'll do AMAZING!!! x x x
Tell me about it, im 26 weeks on wednesday. Thats how many weeks I was when i went on maternity leave when pregnant with my son. This time it is just flying past! We've got a hugely busy few months as well with holidays and friends weddings so I just know that before I know it baby will be here and i'll have to work out how to look after 2 kids at once!
Oh my it has passed sooooo quickly! Its hard to think that i have been pregnant for the whole of 2010!

I'm starting to panic now, it was only a few weeks ago i said to my OH, "dont worry we have ages yet" now i'm thinking mmm i really must get this done, that done etc

I have the same concerns as you one minute i think yay i cant wait to give bubba lots of kisses then i worry that i'm not going to cope :( its very dis-heartening (if thats the right word for it lol) :(

I'm sure you'll do fine hun, i'm sure we both will!! hehe
alot of ppl says it comes to you naturally but what if it dont? All my family lives in sweden and all OHs family live in the Gambia, so we are totally on our own..
Will the midwives show you how to do everything and tell you about everything you need to do and think of or do they just leave you stranded when LO pops out "it will come to you naturallly- get on with it" sort of thing.. ?
While I was in hospital with DD the m/w showed me how to bath, dress and how to change DD nappy! They were great! Before having my daughter, I hated children! Didn't have a clue about them as I'm the youngest in my family but I quickly learned! You have got to have patence but I'm sure your be fine Hun
It all comes naturally when you give birth hun and they show you nearly everything in the hospital, you're gonna be a fab Mummy :)

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