It's all gone Pete Tong!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Saw my midwife on Good Friday as she was on holiday all last week, and she asked me to call the surgery this morning and make an appointment for this afternoon to discuss my induction.
So, I've just called the surgery and she has no free appointments!
I now wouldn't be able to see her until Friday and that's too late!
How the hell do i get an induction appointment?!!
Panicking now!
That's ridiculous! Ask to speak to the MW directly and see what she says. If no luck maybe go see your gp as they might be able to book an induction!!
I've kicked off big time with the surgery and am waiting for them to call me back.
The midwife isn't based at the surgery, shes a community one so she could be anywhere this morning!
I don't know what to do!
Can I book an induction myself?
Is there now way another midwife can do your induction? I am assuming your MW is based at your GP surgery?

Maybe if you go to your maternity hospital you cna see someone else?

I agree that your MW should at the very least speak to you directly and advise.

Best of luck

I'm giving the useless receptionist 10 minutes, then I'm calling the hospital.
So fed up that this baby isn't out yet so was looking forward to getting my induction date today.
This is the last straw.
Do you not have a mobile number for her hun? I have one as she works in community as well as surgery

If not there will be a general number for your local community midwife office and you should be able to speak to someone there. That number is on my notes

If all else fails my midwife booked my induction by ringing the hospital. She rang the maternity/triage ward and explained she was my midwife who had a term plus lady who needed booking in. The hospital let her know that their policy was to induce at term plus 12 so they worked out the date and booked me in

I'm sure if first 2 options fail you can ring hospital and explain x

Try and keep calm Hun and let us know how you get on x
Ps- I know how you feel I'm term +10 today.

Most hospitals if you are classed as low risk induce between term plus 12 and term plus 14.

Think you're a day behind me so that would put you at Thursday at earliest and Saturday. Just think that this time next week you'll have your baby x
Thanks everyone!
I have a number for the community midwife office so am going to call them.
If that fails, i will call my hospital and cry down the phone to them.
I have had back pain and cramps constantly for a week now so am hoping its sooner rather than later
i was just going to say call their office. Let know how u get on x
They are going to squeeze me in at 5pm at the end of clinic.
Thats if the stress hasn't brought on labour by then!
What a palava! Good luck at 5pm, hopefully ull get induced soon!
Good luck hunny I hope you get it sorted xx
That's good hun, how did you get on at your appointment? Any set date yet?
Specifically asked dozy receptionist if the hospital would still be open at 5pm and she said it would.
Midwife was running late so didn't go in til 5.15pm.
She called the hospital, and guess what? They were bloody shut!
Shes calling them in the morning and ringing me with the date!
So angry right now!!!
Standard of service at GP surgeries is shocking these days. Can't believe they don't think sorting an induction is important lol

Hope the mw lets you know asap tomorrow... but even more hope that LO decides to make an appearance before then!!

She could of done that during the bloody day for you! Well fx it will be soon hun xx

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