It's all coming back to me ....


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hello :wave:

DH and I started ttc again this month :cheer: I have been wanting too for a while but it has taken Dh a while to come round to the idea ... Jacob still doesn't sleep and Dh really wanted to wait until he did, I pointed out to him that he didn't sleep until he was 5, so we could have a long wait!! Anyway when I thought about ttc, I was like I will be chilled this time cos I have got LO blah blah, well it's all coming back to me ..... severywhere I look I see PG women, I am thinking about it all the time, going to the loo and looking to see if cm has changed, AAGH this has to stop!!

LOL, welcome back to this obsessive world of TTC.

It's amazing how you tune in to every pregnant woman and newborn babies when you're feeling broody.

Lets hope we don't have long waits to get our BFPs

I feel the same as you too, have only started trying this month and feel very anxious about weather or not AF will turn up??

Lots of luck to us

Amy xx
hello prickley fairy :D it's great that both you and bagpuss17 are ttc at the same time as me again, whohoo! fingers crossed for us all

Yey, it's lovely to see some of the old crowd back from 2005.

good luck ladies :)
Welcome back. I wasn't here when you were her first time round

hope you all get BFP's soon, good luck

Thanks Chrissy hun, it would be great if we could all get BFP's for Christmas. If not we will all have to have a drink for eacj other to down our sorrows :wink:

DH and I agreed that we would take things as they come and not get worked up about ttc this time round! We agreed that I wouldn't go back on the pill after having Jacob, but my cycles can still vary from month to month. The shortest I have had is 19 days, the longest 40, they tend to be 33/34days, so I don't really know when I am ovulating and we agreed not to use the ov sticks and that we would just enjoy ttc, I just hope that we hit the right sort of time :wink:

Must admit my cycles haven't really settled down since having Isaac. Do you get any ov pains or any other symptoms when you ovulate?

You're taking the best approach anyway, relaxed approach has got to be a good thing.
We are trying to be relaxed this time too-just going with the flow and b'dancing as much as poss.

My cycles are also a bit all over the place, not really sure when i ovulate as i dont get any pains or systoms.
I think it will be good for us all to have a break over christmas

My AF is due on 15th dec so I'll be testing on 16th which is my birthday. If I don't get my BFP I've told DH that we're def taking the month off so I can enjoy christmas and new year and indulge is some alchol without worrying about it.

FX that we all get BFP's though :hug:
I'm not really sure either, it always used to be around day 18 last time but as I am not using the OPK just yet, I am not sure when I am for defo. I bd day 18 just in case. I have been having pains for the past week, which made me think it might be af but I am now noticing a change to my cm - which is great cos DH is on nights tonight, will have to bd tomorrow!!

That is how I am thinking, if it doesn't happen this month then at least I can have a drink over Christmas. I would be ecstatic if I got a BFP though don't get me wrong!!!


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