

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Omg im so itchy! Is anyone else getting this? Its driving me bloody crazy :wall2:Ive even got it on my hands and feet which apparently isnt a good sign so ill be ringing my midwife today and see what she says... My oh got me some calamine lotion but that does naff all :shakehead: I cant go on like this for another 4 weeks or even 6 weeks if i go overdue! :shock:
Deffo ring your midwife ASAP.
Did you ring your midwife? Extreme itching is usually not a great thing. Hope your ok xx
Itching at about 30 weeks can be an indicater of Obstetric cholestasis.

I had this with Jack and all was well but it does need to be treated ASAP
I rang the docs and because im on antibitotics she said i could be allergic to them!!! Arghhh that doesnt helpme one bit! She just said get some piriton if the itching carries on! Im seeing my consultant on Friday so ill mention it to her then! Was up all night scratching my legs :( They are going to be red raw soon!
Omg just read that past thread.. My temp was 39 whilst i was in hospital! All the signs are there for this :( Stupid doctor they dont know what they are on about half of the time! Ill deffo mention it to my consultant now as im feeling tired all the time too but i put that down to being close to due date and being big!
My best mate has extreme itching to the point where she was making herself bleed in the night- it ended up being nothing! It was just a side effect of the pregnancy. xx
:hug: hun, I hope it settles soon. Stupid dr :mad:

Let us know how you get on Friday xxx

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