Itchy Feet Driving Me Mad!!!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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My feet are driving me up the wall!!!!In the evening I have to scratch them constantly and still can't satisfy the itch!! I think it's to do with the extra blood going round, but they are not that swollen, just get tired. I feel like getting a cheese grater and scratching my soles with it (I won't of course) :shock:

What can I do? I get itchy all over sometimes, but my feet are the worst. Is there anything to help take it away? :(

Check with your midwife or GP Jenny cos bad itching can be a symptom of something to do with your liver, I had to be tested for it. Not trying to scare you but better to be safe than sorry :)
I would agree with Kim, best mention it to the midwife. Other things to take away the itch though might be to keep them quite moist, your feet will get quite dry in winter with the heating on and socks etc. What about pure cotton socks?

Hope this helps

My tummy has itched pretty much this whole preg, but the last month my whole body, back, tummy, legs, arms, ect are itchy and im getting irritated bumps and somtimes makemyself bleed, its really annoying.
Thankyou, Ive just spoken to her and ive got to make an appointment with my GP or community midwife asap. Im sure it's nothing, but better safe than sorry,
Thanks again!
I can sympathise, although i havent got itchy feet, mine are twitchy and hot, nothing relieves it!! im stuffing a hot water bottle with ice and cold water!!! and all windows open in bedroom, yes even when it was minus 5!!!! poor old OH!!
Hope you resolve your itchiness!!
hi girls, i was really interested to read this thread, I don't want to scare anyone just warn you to be aware, i came back of holiday in August when 33weeks pregnant and midwife noticed me scratcing my arm, it was just a little itchy but put it down to the sun.

Anyway she sent me for tests and i had Obstetric Cholestasis, it means your liver is failing for some reason, and its getting more common, but its controllable with pills and they monitor you very closley.

Please please please do not ignore itching of any kind.

If anyone finds they have this and wants to talk PM me and i'll be happy to chat, as you can see me and Jack are fighting fit
Hi there,

Like jo mentioned always best to get it checked because it could be OC, especially with this the generally starts on your hands and feet and then spreads, also the itch is normmaly worse in the evening.

But please try not worry too much as once the condition is confirmed it can be observed and treated accordingly.

It does have very tragic complications but these are quite rare.

I have had OC with both of my previous pregnancies and delivered heathy happy babies each time.

I know what you mean about the cheese grater on your feet, I used to get a pumis (sp?) stone and itch my feet with that. I had it really bad with my first causing sleepness nights, irritablilty and scarring to my hands and feet (the itching was that bad)

But with my second it was picked up straight away and treated so barely had any itching and was induced at 38 weeks.

if you want to know any more I'll be happy to help with what I can

i'd just like to add that not much is mentioned about this condition in books, about 3 lines which scared the hell outta me!!

We all know the symptoms for pre-eclampsia but nobody warns us about OC which can be just as dangerous if not treated
I know what you mean about it not being mentioned in books jo, you only get a few lines normally something along the lines of.

Itching is a common complaint in pregnancy but if the itching is very severe and mostly on your hands and feet contact your midwife as it can be a very serious problem.

Also there isn't really much on the internet about it either as not much is known about the condition and you end up reading the same snippet of info again and again.

a website I found about it though was quite usefull is
I took all your advice and went to the doctors yesterday. I had a blood test (get results back tomorrow), and she gave me some hydrocortisone cream (sorry about the spelling) to stop my feet and arms itching. I was so embarrassed when she asked me to show her my feet, there were blood spots where I had scratched so much.

I agree, they should inform us more of why its so important to get the itching checked out. I had never heard of it before.


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