"It never did me any harm"

when I heard that too many times I just said "yes well thats why we have a nation of alcoholics and addicts" that normally shuts em up ha ha. Then when my sister said "stop picking him up everytime he cries" I said oh well Ill do that to you when you need support and or crying Ill leave you in a corner on your own crying and not reassure you or listen to your needs. Worked a treat ha ha ha
hahahah to be fair to my mum, i did leave home at 17 and join a group of travelling gypsys on the festival circuit, i used to frequently go two or three weeks without having a proper bath (just get nakid in a lake innit ;) ) and i had dreadlocks down to my arse...

to her i must have been the dirtiest, smelliest thing alive :D

worth it though ;)

she never scrubbed me with a wire brush but my dad did once, when i tried to give myself a home made tattoo with a parker-pen ink cartiridge and a safety pin! I think i was about 14
Oh my life! It's a wonder she didn't take you to a sheep dip!
(don't take that the wrong way, but if she tried to bathe you in bleach I doubt she embraced the free-thinking traveling lifestyle!)
Honestly i think if she could have of gotten away with it she would have!

The things i have put that woman through! i made her come with me for the last day of The Big Green Gathering once, I had already been there 3 weeks, she brought me fresh clothes and made me have a solar shower :D Met all my friends and smoked a joint with me! (it was 10 years ago) I made her eat free Hare-Kristna food and she ended up having a conversation with single handedly the most beautiful half-American-Indian man i have ever seen in my life. She loved it so much and really embraced the experience.

Last time she was here, she watched my ex boyfriend tattoo my leg in the lounge and was absolutely freaking out the whole way (but she did give him a lift home to get something) and when she realised i would NOT be letting her brush my dreads out, she learnt all about them and sorted them out for me... shes a very cool mum and a good woman

but yes, OBSESSED with bleaching everything and putting bleach in the oddest thing... it got to the point where she would make me and Liam a cup of tea and we would both look up to her and say 'have you put a bit of bleach in that?' :P

Oh that reminds me, one of the first things we saw that day at the BGG was a woman, must have been 8 months pregnant AT LEAST, wearing nothing but a bikini and a pair of wellies, playing a line-dancing game in the mud! She was absolutely fascinated!
She sounds pretty cool all in all then!
Yeah shes great, just obsessed with bleach! And putting babies in the garden ;)
I had my first one. My Ma came for tea the other night and was saying that baby will need to take a bit of water as well as all the milk. But I'd need to put in Rose hip syrup or mashed up tinned clementines so the water would be sweetened and the baby would take it better. Yes mum I'm gonna start shoving sugar down my wee baby NOT! As my Mum has limited mobility and is not really able to babysit on her own I'll always be around when she suggests such things. However explains my sweet tooth and crappy teeth don't ya think.
Aww bless your Mum DF- but I have NEVER heard of bleach being used for anything other than toilets and getting whites back to whites. xx
I think when it comes to your own children only you can decide how to bring them up and what you feel is best for them. Ok so take peoples advice on board but end of the day its your child. I love how people say it never did me any harm. How do they know as if things were done differently they might have turned out a lot different x
My dad's been visiting this week and he's been on at me constantly to let Ryan 'taste' chocolate, cream, honey etc it's driving me nuts!
What! Lol how old is Ryan now anyway? You can't even give honey to a child that's younger than 1 because it can cause a bacteria in the intestines it's a def no no xx
He's 7 weeks! I know, it's ridiculous but he says the look on my face when I first tasted food was so lovely he'd never forget it and I don't think he wants to miss it with Ryan. I told him was a no no though.

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