Might be coming round to the idea of "it never did you any harm..."

I think 2 months is quite early to add anything but if you can stretch things to 3 months, then you can start adding sth else than milk.
I wouldn't give anything with gluten in such a young baby. (preferably until at least 4 months)
Until then I suppose you will have to give him more milk to keep him full. Also some doctors here give baby tea to very hungry so young babies that are in a vey good weight.
In your place that what would I do and introduce some pures and around 18 mayb weeks. I think I will stay far away from gluten though until LO is at least 6 months old, even older if I can make it happen.
I agree with hope, if you can try to hold out until 3 months. I weaned my daughter at 3 months and she was fine but I do think 2 months might be abit too young.
Also when you do start weaning start on purred fruit and veg or baby rice. xx
I started early weaning but not that young. To be honest i wish id have waited. My lo even with weaning at one point was having bottles every four hours day and night! It was exhausting. Id prob just keep going with milk a little longer and thennif u do want to give some solids, go for simple plain baby rice and fruit, like laceysmummy said. He eventually slpt thru the night at eight months!
Hope you get some answers from your HV. Tbh, I would hold out with the formula. My lo at that age was feeding during the day between every 2-2.5 hours ( yep, I was pretty much feeding her allllll the time!) and she would feed every 3 hours at night up until she hit about 3/4 months. Maybe he's just a hungry baby?

8-9 weeks is very young to be given solid food as really they shouldn't have solids until they can sit upright on there own. And as fi said, their tiny bellies just won't cope with it.

Good luck finding a solution.
Thought I'd add that I did wean early though. She was having one bit of baby rice at lunch time at 4 months then around 5 months I moved to fruit then proper solids at 6 months. She still fed every few hours and didn't sleep through until 6 months or so.
On another note, I heard from either my mw or hv that the WHO are considering moving the guidelines back to 16 weeks!

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!

I was told this also, but for BF babies only!

I think it's just a case of follow baby's lead tbh, you know your own baby at the end of the day.

Our nephew was weaned onto baby rice at 9 weeks old as he was never satisfied either, drainiing 9oz bottle after 9oz bottle and still screaming for more. He is a very healthy 10 year old now with a very big appetite and eats anything and everything so being weaned at 9 weeks was what was right for him.

What's right for 1 baby is not for another! That''s where mum's intuition comes in!
I started giving my little girl a bit of rusk (off a spoon though not in her bottle) and at first she was fine with it but then started a phase where she would cry while I was feeding it her (this was at 3 months) so I stopped and then I've just started weaning her properly now and tonight is the first night she's finished what I've given her :)

Rusks do a gluten and sugar free version which is what I use!

You know when your baby is ready to be weaned... I thought of listen to all the advice I got as I'm a first time mum but you know your child better than anyone! I heard a quote the other day 'the only person who know how the best way to raise a child is a person who doesn't have a child' and I think it's true!

All babies are different, my mum was giving me Heinz Tins at 6 weeks and 22 years later I'm fine!

It's also not selfish to want your baby to sleep through ... If your tired and stressed baby will pick up on this!

Sorry to butt in but just wanted to voice my opinion x
Hey, jut wanted to let you k ow that there's a thread in feeding and nutrition about weaning before 6 months :) xx
Babynumber1, no its not selfish to want your baby to sleep through the night, don't we all want them to sleep through as soon as possible! But in context to this thread filling them up to get them to sleep isn't really advisable. Although as the OP has pointed out, this isnt what she wants to do anyway.
I think what he's having sounds about right. I do think he's young to introduce solids but he's your baby and you know him best :)

I agree every baby is different and they dont necessarily follow the guidelines. AJ never had the amount they said, HV or on the tin.

Just thought I'd add I had my nephew over night this weekend, he's 10 weeks and around 14lb. He has 6oz and in the time he was here for just under 24hrs (he feeds like AJ did) a bottle every 3hrs, so 7/8 bottles in that time that's inc his 2 night feeds.

:) x
IMO I think that giving a 2 month old baby solids is not a good idea esp not a rusk! Their little digestion systems may not be able to handle it but if your confident then it's up to you. I waited till Grace was six months, but that's when I felt she was ready. Milk is still their main food until they are one and they get all the nutrients and vitamins from that. I really think you should wait.
I think 9 weeks is too young to be giving food! Hes feeding every3 hours isnt a lot really. My son is 7 months and still feeds every 3 hours night and day and thats with food inbetween. He was also a big baby 9lb 4 born and is now over 21lb. At 9-10 weeks Alex was still feeding hourly! He continued that way until about 4 months. But the decision is up to you, just talk to your Hv first. Hope he starts sleeping for you soon x
Caitlin was feeding every two hours at that age ( was breast fed) Even now she still has a breast feed every 3/4 hours during the day plus solids at 8 months and only recently gave up her night feed (last week) 9 weeks is far to early to give solids.
We live in a society where we are taught a child should be 'sleeping through' from a really early age, but actually that is totally unnatural! It is nomral for a wee 8 week old baby to wake in the night, their bodies aren't designed to sustain them for longer than that!
My LO was taking 7-8oz bottles 6 times per day and I still wasn't advised to give anything else until 16 weeks. He was very hungry just on milk, he has jumped from the 9th canticle up to 90 something. I wouldn't give anything else just now, there little tummies can't handle it. I know it's hard but it won't last forever xx

I started weaning Ifan just before 4 months and i thought that was very early. I definately wouldnt have done it any earlier. I dont think sleeping is always linked with how much milk they are having, could be comfort feeding amongst other things?

I think most babies are up during the night for a first few months, its just natural. Ifan was feeding hourly until about 3 months!

Also, it sounds like hes having more than enough to me to be honest. Ifan was a hungry baby ut only drank 4z at a time, 7oz is a fair bit per feed for a baby so young xx
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