Might be coming round to the idea of "it never did you any harm..."

I would try the aptamil comfort milk, and try hold out a few more week till 3 months..

If its still very bad id try baby rice but just a little bit. I'm the eldest of five kids, we were all weaned before six months, and none of us have allergies, or any health problems xx

Fi, I totally understand what you're saying, but ft90 isn't saying she wants him to sleep longer, she just said he slept for her mum..she just wants her baby to be getting the right amount of food for him, and at the moment he's unsatisified between feeds and crying a lot because of it xx

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Tbh I would slap my mum if she did anything like that but you know your baby better. I would speak to your HV, if his nappies are green and runny, can be lactose intolerance and he might want sucking for comfort. Does he have a dummy?
My little boy is mixed fed because i didnt have enough milk but sometimes refuses bottle and wants breast for comfort (he doesnt take a dummy). He still wakes up at night and its ok with me, recently he went through a growth spurt and was waking up every 2 hours to feed.

How is he during the day - do you distract him ie does he play, do you sing/talk to him etc? Does he spit up? Is he generally happy?

I think you need to find a good HV/GP

A. is not allowed any sugar until he turns 1 at least, and definitely not this early, it is indeed linked to obesity and allergies.
I know my mum was told to give me jam on my dummy to prevent thrush and my baby journal says my favourite food at 1yo was chocolate! Guess what, I have been battling with weight all my lifeand have a sweety tooth. Thankfully not allergies bar 1-2
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We live in a society where we are taught a child should be 'sleeping through' from a really early age, but actually that is totally unnatural! It is nomral for a wee 8 week old baby to wake in the night, their bodies aren't designed to sustain them for longer than that!

This really has nothing to do with society's conceptions about a child sleeping through the night. What this post is about is a mother being worried about whether her son needs something more substantial than milk because he's still hungry after 7oz of milk when the HV told me 5 was plenty for him!
I would try the aptamil comfort milk, and try hold out a few more week till 3 months..

If its still very bad id try baby rice but just a little bit. I'm the eldest of five kids, we were all weaned before six months, and none of us have allergies, or any health problems xx

Fi, I totally understand what you're saying, but ft90 isn't saying she wants him to sleep longer, she just said he slept for her mum..she just wants her baby to be getting the right amount of food for him, and at the moment he's unsatisified between feeds and crying a lot because of it xx

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Think I'll try that milk!

And I'm really going to try to hold out until he's at least three months, this isn't the way I planned for things to go, he's just such a hungry boy! Xx
Tbh I would slap my mum if she did anything like that but you know your baby better. I would speak to your HV, if his nappies are green and runny, can be lactose intolerance and he might want sucking for comfort. Does he have a dummy?
My little boy is mixed fed because i didnt have enough milk but sometimes refuses bottle and wants breast for comfort (he doesnt take a dummy). He still wakes up at night and its ok with me, recently he went through a growth spurt and was waking up every 2 hours to feed.

How is he during the day - do you distract him ie does he play, do you sing/talk to him etc? Does he spit up? Is he generally happy?

I think you need to find a good HV/GP

A. is not allowed any sugar until he turns 1 at least, and definitely not this early, it is indeed linked to obesity and allergies.
I know my mum was told to give me jam on my dummy to prevent thrush and my baby journal says my favourite food at 1yo was chocolate! Guess what, I have been battling with weight all my lifeand have a sweety tooth. Thankfully not allergies bar 1-2

Think its just a mum thing isn't it! I really hope if I have a daughter I'm not like it when she has a baby, but I know she's only trying to help...

Yeah he has a dummy, he loves it! He's really happy during the day when he's not hungry, he's smiling, playing, we sing to him. He never spits up, he's only been sick a handful of times in his life, not a sicky baby at all.

I have the same thing with fizzy drinks, I used to have them so much as a child that I can't leave them alone! Even on my quest to lose baby weight I still need fizzy water! Luckily no weight battles for me though.

I'm going to try and hold off til he's 3 months... xx
Tbh I would slap my mum if she did anything like that but you know your baby better. I would speak to your HV, if his nappies are green and runny, can be lactose intolerance and he might want sucking for comfort. Does he have a dummy?
My little boy is mixed fed because i didnt have enough milk but sometimes refuses bottle and wants breast for comfort (he doesnt take a dummy). He still wakes up at night and its ok with me, recently he went through a growth spurt and was waking up every 2 hours to feed.

How is he during the day - do you distract him ie does he play, do you sing/talk to him etc? Does he spit up? Is he generally happy?

I think you need to find a good HV/GP

A. is not allowed any sugar until he turns 1 at least, and definitely not this early, it is indeed linked to obesity and allergies.
I know my mum was told to give me jam on my dummy to prevent thrush and my baby journal says my favourite food at 1yo was chocolate! Guess what, I have been battling with weight all my lifeand have a sweety tooth. Thankfully not allergies bar 1-2

Think its just a mum thing isn't it! I really hope if I have a daughter I'm not like it when she has a baby, but I know she's only trying to help...

Yeah he has a dummy, he loves it! He's really happy during the day when he's not hungry, he's smiling, playing, we sing to him. He never spits up, he's only been sick a handful of times in his life, not a sicky baby at all.

I have the same thing with fizzy drinks, I used to have them so much as a child that I can't leave them alone! Even on my quest to lose baby weight I still need fizzy water! Luckily no weight battles for me though.

I'm going to try and hold off til he's 3 months... xx

Yeah,my mum told me try to many silly things but she is far away and I told her what she isnt allowed to do when she is over, same with MIL

Try and see how he is, if he is happy but feeds often, let him do it and see how it goes. Do you have a decent HV? They are hard to find.

I will be holding out as long as possible because A has cows milk allergy already so probably 6 months for us.

I have never been overweight (except for now with babyweight) but I have always found it hard to lose weight because of the sweet tooth. I blame my parents. My teeth are also not the best.

Good luck hun, parenting is a hard business full of decisions
My little one was still waking up like 3-4 times in te night and what helped me, strangely, was stretching out the times intern daytime feeds. I guess it meant he was having more each time, but not as often. Not snacking basically. Doesn't sound like that's the problem with your little one though. And as an aside, Arthur still Wakes in the night, but I will only feed him
Once, otherwise I think I'm encouraging bad habits! X
Augustmum I wasnt being funny with the mum who posted I was just referencing someone else's post about putting her needs before the babies that's all :)

Only mum knows her baby and if baby is happy the weaning can wait obviously, I started weaning my little girl at 4 months as she is showing all signs of wanting more than milk ... Watching us eat, trying to grab at food, etc ... And to be fair I do only give her a few spoons at a time which she will happily chimp down on :)

I also didn't realise how young the baby was ... I do agree that 8 weeks is too young, I'd be fuming if my mum did that behind my back!

Hope the weaning goes well when you eventually do it :)
WHenever my Mum comes to visit even if he does a little cry she says, oh he's hungry, feed him. I ended up snapping at her the other day. Things were so different when we were babies. I was fat and I had all rotten teeth. So there are no photos of me smiling :( I wont be taking any food advice from my Mum haha.

My LO also wakes several times in the night and I feed him. He's having what seems like a massive amount, but can't monitor as he's BF. Some nights he only has one feed. I'm hoping to regulate it soon.

He's a very healthy 15lbs8 at 14 weeks - although i don't really want him heavier. I hadn't even thought about introducing food until i read some of the posts on here and am going to hold off as long as possible.

It could be that your LO is having a growth spurt - see how it goes.
Hope you figure it out anyway :hugs: its bloody confusing x

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