It cant happen again, can it???


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I dont expect any replys I just need to tell some one. I have no one around me who I know well enough to talk too. Not that I would tell them this any way.

Here it goes.........

Last year I left my OH, he had been texting and e mailing a girl (his best mates ex) the first night I went out with my mates for months he invited her round to ours. I did not know this but appently they were "just mates" any ways they ended up kissing (maybe more but he always says it was nothing but kisses)

He was always texting someone, hidding his phone taking it to the bath etc. And he turned down sex with me, Thats when i knew something was wrong.

Anyway this was a thursday night when he told me she been round and he faniced her. he said he was wanting to go out with the lads and sleep around and was too young to settle down.

He did not expect me to do this, but I moved out the next day in to my friends house. (he wanted me to stay and live the the spare room) We were apart for a good few months, I was over him and out living my life again. He was failing at "sleep around".

I had a new boyfriend, nothing serious we were just using each other. When my Oh found out he came begging me to be back with him and he could not live with out me ...bla bla, I am sure you have heard it all before. Anyways we got back together and got engaged and trying for oliver. Along came our baby a bit quicker than we expected, only took 4 weeks to get PG. We even told his mum it was a mistake, we thiught she would be less mad if she belived this.

We are now married and Oh is still out every week end with out me (some times I think he wants me to breast feed so its harder for me to go out with him)I am so paranoid he will meet some one eles. I am so boring and tired all the time. I have no friends to go out with (only one but her baby is 3 weeks younger than Oliver so hard for her too)

Two weeks ago he told me he had bumped in to a girl he knew from school, i felt sick (still do) She works with his dad, but just get a stange feeling about it...

He was out last week and his mobile rang about 12 30, It was his mate he was meant to be out with. why werent they together, I did not answer but texted OH on his new phone.. no reply. When he got in he said he lost everyone he was out with and surprise he bumped into this girl again. She had also lost her mates so he took it upon himself to stay with her in the club. They been takling about old times and lokking at photos of oliver. so he had his phone out but still did not text me. He was full of sorrys but he gets on really well with her .... bla bla. Later I found out they shared the taxi back together. He forgot to tell me this bit.

I went though his phone but he did not have her number so I relaxed abit. Untill last night i caught him on MSN talking to her. I went mental, could not stop crying. This is how it happened before. He says he did not tell me as he knew I be upset but he likes talking to her. they get o well. That does not make me feel ant better!! I can meet her if i want!!! (WTF)
he had wrote something like I knew they were talking and she said something about using a code name???? WHY?? If he did not answer cos he was explianing to me, she kepted asking where he was and why he had not answered her. Was he ok?? He said he had to go so she asked would he be back later and should she mail him?? Why?

I know we have the baby now and been married less than a month and I should trust him but I know hes mates all cheat and live double lives. My head is battered. I feel so sick. I love him more than anything, I love him too much and do anything for him. I told him I can live without him, me and oliver would be fine. But he said he would not do anything too loose Oliver. What about loosing me?

I know you didn't want replies but........
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you! I am just feeling abit down. Will be ok tomorrow. ( i hope)
Oh hun, men can be so thoughtless sometimes.
Don't really know what to say but hang in there but don't let him walk all over you, you've got to be strong, don't let him see you're upset, some men find this a power trip, if you know what I mean.

Having a baby is tough & takes time to adjust to it as everything changes & I guess your OH is dealing with it in his own way. Some men feel they can act as if life was as it was before babies come along & I think it just takes some men longer to figure out they can't behave this way.

I hope i'm making sense here, I know what I want to say but can't seem to find the right words :roll:

Hope you are ok & sending you :hug:
Awww hun :hug:

I can totally understand why you're upset when it has happened before. Trust is a really hard thing to build up again after something so horrible. I don't think he's doing himself any favours by not telling you everything about when he sees this girl, you're bound to be suspicious. If you're really worried hun I would meet her and suss her out for yourself. See what's your dh's reaction is when you say you want to meet her. I really hope it works out for hun, good luck! :hug:
cant really offer advice as i dumped my cheating ex when i pg with number one baby. but :hug: :hug: and i hope it is nothing.
I am feeling alot better now. He not been on computer since friday and he is helping more with the house work so I am not as tired and grumpy with him.

wish you lots of luck jadie and remember we are always here as a sounding board, even if you just want to get it all off your chest x

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