It can't be....


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I posted yesterday about being in alot of pain cos of AF, it got to the point where i couldn't stand...... Well i think i know why now (sorry if this is TMI)

I was getting clothes out of the washer today and when i stood up again i felt something slip out of me (again sorry for the TMI :oops: ) So i presumed it was a blood clot, went to the bathroom to double check and it wasn't a big blob of blood, it was MORE PLACENTA!!! :shock: :shock:
I examined it as it didn't look right and it didn't break up, it was the consistancy of thick skin and was really tough, it wasn't a blob either it was like a brown colour. ( my period blood is bright red)

I am unsure as to whether to go to the docs or whether to leave it and see if anymore comes out.
After all the problems i had having Jack, surely there can't be some left! :wall: :wall:

I supposidly had it manually removed :shakehead:

It definately wasn't a clot of blood.
you more thing thats awful! :shock:

i'd def go to the docs. you need to sure there isnt anymore as the last thing you want is an infection or something.

better to be safe than sorry hun :?

sorry that should have said Poor thing!!

brain dead mother coming through!

Lol, thanks.

After the ordeal with Jack, (for those that didn't know I bled sevearly after birth, which they stopped with drugs. had a heamorrage (sp) 2 weeks later which they shrugged at but scanned me as procedure and found placenta left, so they did a small op to remove it and it was a good job they did as there was alot more in there than the scan showed.)

Everyone was telling me at the time to sue them as i had all this with Amy (which they knew) and i still had to go through it all again, but i said no i just wanted to forget it, i swear if this ends up being yet another problem i may seriously think about it.
i would go to the doctors hunny, and if i would differently think about suing them hun they should of removered it all well they should of checked when they pulled it out to make sure.
i wonder if this is something that affects some women more than others. i only say this as you said you had it with both our babies and my sil had the same with both of hers.

i wonder if for some reason its more likely to happen to some people and isnt totally random? :?

anyway its still their fault that they didnt get it all after your op so i'd look for compensation. :evil:

Well after i bled they asked if the placenta was complete and the student midwife said yes, so they just pumped me with drugs to stop it, but it obviously wasn't complete
My GP said at my 8 week PN check that if you have it first time it will happen with every baby, something to do with a ridge in your womb that the placenta sticks to. :roll:
I would go to the docs, as this can become infected :wink:
go to the docs - there could still be some inside and if it calcifies, it's more painful to pass than childbirth (mine calcified in 7 months).

Did they do a hyteroscopy with the D&C? and (sounds horrid I know) did you keep the blob that came out?
:shock: :shock: Crikey Yvonne! i agree with everyone else, i would defintely go to the docs just to be on the safe side hun x
I put the "blob" in some tissues and kept it but last night went i went to show Andy all the tissue had stuck to it and you couldn't see it. i just threw it.

I rang the doctors this morning and there are no appointments til 10th June :shock:
She said if it is urgent then i have to go to the emergency out of hours doctor later!! :shakehead:

Whats a hyteroscopy? to be honest i was knocked out when the did it so they could have done tattooo's down there for all i know!! plus they weren't talkitive after, they just said that it was a goo job they didn't send me home to just "let it pass" on its own as there were (his words) PILES of it left!!
I used to get stuff like that in my periods, before I had Ella :? They were really really bad. The lumps looked like skin/tissue, definately weren't jelly like clots. Mine definately wasn't placenta, I'd say that it sounds similar to what you've had - but then you know that you've had retained placenta so it is probably that.

Crappy about not being able to get an appointment, that sucks Yvonne :(
Tell me about it, i rang at the beginning of May to get Jack an appointment for his skin, he has excema but it's really dry and i didn't get one til next friday (26th) it's joke.

It could be nothing Rosie, but like you say i am paranoid about it being placenta, It wouldn't suprise me cos lets face it my hospital aren't exactly fantastic when it comes to stuff like that!! :talkhand:
IKWYM, it's a bit like a conveyor belt. They don't seem too worried about what's going on down there once the baby is out. Although I didn't have anything like the probs you've had with the placenta, my bits are a right state! I think that due to the scarring I can feel on the inside I will be splitting from arse to elbow next time :shock:
Can you change docs? arent they supposed to keep same day appts for emergancies? i count lumps of placenta falling out 4 months after you give birth a bl**dy emergancy, you could be at risk form nasty infections. ooh stuff like this makes me mad :evil:

what do we pay our national insurance for anyway?

anyway rant over - i think you should get this looked at as soon as. poss contact the hospital or at worst go to out of hours docs.

dont they realise its not that easy when you are trying to work round a babies routine.

ok going to go do my ironing and calm now :roll: sorry i get over excited :oops:

The other thing that i am bothered about is if i say i have lost placenta, they might say well how do you know? Especially my doctors, they only take you seriously if your heads falling off.

I am going to get forms for the doctors Andy is at, they said they would take us on cos Andy is already there. My friend is there and she has a 3 year old and they fit kids in inbetween appointments! :shock: Now that's what i call doctors! plus you get an appointment within the week. I'm not bothered about me but i would like to think that if my kids needed an appointment then i can get one pretty quick.

I've not lost anymore and my pain has gone, but my bleeding is still heavy, even after 4 days :think:
i'd give it a go anyway. just say you know its either placent a or a very large clot which could indicate the placental site isnt healing. either way its potentially serious and and warrants investigation now not in 3 weeks time! hopefully it wil turn out to be nothing or just the last bit of placenta and there is no more but you need to be sure.

def change docs as sson as you can then - sounds far more efficiant at the other one. mine are really good and will always try and see kids at the beginning or end of a clinic if no more emergancy apts left.

good luck hun


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