Isnt it nice how different we all are, while being the same


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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Just thinking about the forum,
Everyone on here comes from totally different backgrounds, are different ages, different areas of country etc.

We probably wouldnt talk to each other if we met in a "normal" way, yet we share absolutley everything with each other.

We share the same problems, same ups and downs, same joys and happiness.

Not sure where im going with this but i think its cool
i think its nice how we get to like people without judging them for how they look, where and how they live and and other prejudging things like that.
Exactly. I mean offline, nobody would like me because I wear big gold Argos hoops, dirty pink tracksuits, and I'm only 12.
zebrastripes said:
Exactly. I mean offline, nobody would like me because I wear big gold Argos hoops, dirty pink tracksuits, and I'm only 12.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
zebrastripes said:
Exactly. I mean offline, nobody would like me because I wear big gold Argos hoops, dirty pink tracksuits, and I'm only 12.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It's the first forum i've been on that there is no bitching, no arguments and no judging. I've been on different forums (but not for the same subject) that tell you not to talk about this, and not to talk about that! There's MSN for that kinda stuff.
People here talk about anything and everything. So open and honest but in a nice way.
And it's the first place i've been made to feel welcome.
Aw, it's true.

In real life, I'd probably never meet a teenage mum from Blackburn or a Devonshire hippy, or a Scottish rigger's wife, or a Mancunian raver!

*NB these are EXAMPLES, I'm not thinking of anyone specific. Or am I?........ :wink:

It's great how such a lovely common cause can bring us all together :)
Thats what I love about the forum too, I have been here for over 3 years and talked to some very weird and wonderful people that I probably would never have gotten the chance to get to know if it wasnt for the forum :D

Group hug :hug: :hug: :hug:
Minxy said:
Aw, it's true.

In real life, I'd probably never meet a teenage mum from Blackburn or a Devonshire hippy, or a Scottish rigger's wife, or a Mancunian raver!

*NB these are EXAMPLES, I'm not thinking of anyone specific. Or am I?........ :wink:

It's great how such a lovely common cause can bring us all together :)

:wave: :lol:

I totally agree tho!!! You probably wouldnt all look atg me as I am a lardy ass with a funny accent! :lol:
Definitely agree. Sometimes anonymity can be a wonderful thing, and then once you've built up a relationship over something like this, friendships bloom. That sounded a bit tacky, didn't it? :wink:
badgergirl said:
Definitely agree. Sometimes anonymity can be a wonderful thing, and then once you've built up a relationship over something like this, friendships bloom. That sounded a bit tacky, didn't it? :wink:

I think this is what they call.. "a moment".. :cry: group hug!
Aw girls, you are making me all emotional :cry: It just all too beautiful for words :hug:
aww it's all so moving *starts to bawl*
zebrastripes said:
Exactly. I mean offline, nobody would like me because I wear big gold Argos hoops, dirty pink tracksuits, and I'm only 12.

Yeah and I'm really her scanky muvver who also wears pink tracksuits...I fink I'm classy, ovvers fink I'm mutton!

Ere ZS...gimme me ooops back...I'm out clubbing's grab a granny night! :twisted:
kazlin said:
zebrastripes said:
Exactly. I mean offline, nobody would like me because I wear big gold Argos hoops, dirty pink tracksuits, and I'm only 12.

Yeah and I'm really her scanky muvver who also wears pink tracksuits...I fink I'm classy, ovvers fink I'm mutton!

Ere ZS...gimme me ooops back...I'm out clubbing's grab a granny night! :twisted:

only iv ya buy us a twenty of marlboro ey feck like.

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