Isla Shona Born 3.8.08 6lbs 9.5oz at 36+4 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Firstly sorry this is soooo long just wanted to get it all recorded so that i could let her read it when shes old enough and that i dont forget bits

Woke on Sunday morning at 8am feeling completly fine and spent a couple of hours waiting for Scott to cook me a full Scottish breakfast as he'd promised the night before. Went to the loo at about 10.00am and had a lot of knicker mucus, but didnt think much of it as had had it for a few weeks beforehand.

Scott got up and started making breakfast at about 11.30, i started eating it and needed a wee, after i had a wee i felt a small trickle run down my leg and assumed i'd wee'd myself a little as it was only a tiny dribble. I sat down and finished breakfast and then had a shower. As i was getting dried from the shower in the bedroom i stood up and more water came out of me, it wasnt tonnes...i remembered the midwife telling me that if it was my waters i wouldnt be able to stop it like a wee, so i tried and lo and behold it kept on trickling.

I shouted down the stairs to Scott who came running up to witness the last of it coming out...mopped it up. We then knew that my waters were leaking..i had NO pain, no back pain etc felt totally normal.

We were due to go to Scotts parents for lunch and thought we might still go as things would probably take hours and it would take our minds off things. We thought we'd phone triage and let them know forewarn them that we might be coming in later. Triage initally said come in, in a few hours then they realised that i was 36+4 weeks so said to come in just to check me out. There was no panic and no pain, Scott showered and we even debated whether or not to take the hospital bags in with us! We phoned our parents to let them know that we thought my waters had broken, but we'rnt sure and were going to the hositpal to be checked out.

We were happy and excited with no fear, we were going to meet our baby within the next 24 hours and it was an amazing feeling.

We got in the car about 12.30 and i had what i thought was a contraction, it didnt really hurt just felt like a strong braxton hicks...we made a note of the time and started off to the hospital, though all the bloody roadworks it took about 20 mins...7 mins into the journey i had another contraction.

We got into triage about 1.00pm and reported to reception, we were told to wait in the public waiting area (where everyone waits for their scans etc) until someone could see us. We were timing the contractions which were now coming every five mins, i wasnt in any real pain, but started to feel a bit restless so started walking around the waiting room, telling Scott when each contraction was coming. At 1.45 we were taken through to triage assesment where i was hooked up to the machine that measures contractions and the heartbeat. My pad was examined and they said that the waters had definately gone. We were then left in the room until 14.15 during this time we were watching the contractions and the heartrate on the monitor, they grew from measuring 30 something to peaking at 80 something and within no time at all were 3 minutes apart!

The midwife came back in at 14.15 and decided to give me an internal examination the contractions were still 3 mins apart and starting to feel really sore, Imagine my suprise when i was told i was 4 centmetres dilated!!! We were left again and we made a few phone calls to family and friends to let them know that this was definately it and we'd speak to them when it was all over. I didnt want to lie on the bed anymore as it was making me feel worse i wanted to be on my feet so i got up and started walking in circles, the room was incredibly hot and i was melting, within no time at all the contractions were really painful and with each i had to stop and cling onto the wall or Scott and just breathe through them, i remember someone telling me you had to 'ride' each contraction and so i visualised surfing over a massive wave and over the other side. I can still remember the relief as each contraction passed.

The Midwife popped her head round the door at 3.00pm and took one look at me, she asked me if i wanted anything in particular and i told her that i'd like a birthing pool if possible, she said that one would be available in 15 mins and that they would get me up to the delivery suite then. I asked about pain relief and she said that they'd only be able to give me something when i was up on the ward. I remember wanting to go for a wee and being directed to the only toilet which was through the public waiting area! I can remember trying to appear calm when walking through as to no embaress myself.

15 mins came and passed and by this time i really was in pain, more pain than i could of imagined with each contraction. I can remember thinking...stop being such a wimp, if you're like this at 4 cms how are you going to cope. I just clung onto the thought that i'd get some pain relief soon. At 3.30 she returned and said that the pool would be a little longer but that i could have a standard delivery room if i wanted. I just wanted drugs!! so agreed.

We walked down the corridor and into the lift, the whole lift ride was 2 massive contractions and i staggered down the corridor into the delivery room.

The bed was about 4 foot in the air and i just wanted to lean over the back of it and spread my legs! I asked for pain relief but was told 'its too late the baby is coming', I can remember saying 'but you promised' the gas and air was shoved in my mouth and i was told to get on the bed after the next contraction. I then managed to drop the gas and air on the floor and the sterlie mouth peice shot off...that was the last i saw of it!.

The midwife took one look at my bits and told me it was time to start pushing with each contraction, i was in shock!! i was eating my fryup a wee while ago.

I started pushing with each, firstly only managing one push with each, within no time at all the midwife said that she could see the baby's head and that i had to manage more pushes with each if i was to 'get it round the corner', i managed two then three, i can remember it felt like an eternity. Scott was encouraging me with each contraction and was facinated with the events being played out down below. Suddlenly i felt the intense burning my fanny was on fire!!! Then i swore for the first time..'that fucking hurts' and i could feel her head coming out. I remember seeing a big squirt of blood going up the arm of the midwife...this apparently was when i tore. I was told to stop pushing and pant through the rest of the contraction which was bloody hard. I then remember someone else asking me if i wanted the injection for the placenta..of course i said yes i would of said yes to anything. With the next contraction and one wee push our baby was born at 16.30with a big gush of water and was placed on top of me...i was totally shocked, we had a baby, it was a baby she was screaming straight away and Scott cut the cord, the Midwife told him that he'd have to work the sissors as the cord was 'a bit chewy' lol! We then looked to see what we had and were delighted that it was a wee girl, i can remember thinking she was tiny but at the same time amazed that she came out of my fanny. I turned to the midwife and said ' thank fuck thats over' and we all laughed. The placenta was delivered with a wee pull and a small contraction, i cant remember it hurting i was too busy looking at my daughter.

She had her first apgar and scored 9 and we had a wee cuddle before she was bundled to Daddy for me to be stitched..this was the worse part of it took 40 minutes, i had a 2nd deg tear through to the muscle with three layers of stitches. I asked to see the afterbirth and it was facinating...we took a picture of it too!

I had the best tea and toast ever and we held our daughter just looking at every wee part of us and let a very suprised family and friends know that she was here. We were left by everyone to get one with it...well left for 6 hours in there!! I got myself up after about 30 mins and got a shower and a wee, then after a bit we dressed her and waited to be taken to the ward.

My labour was recorded as 2 hours 40 mins by the hospital and the only pain relief i managed to get was a couple of paracetemol and an ibrophen afterwards!

Spent two miserable nights on the maternity ward and was glad to get home.

Some photies, its amazing how much they change!




Omg that was quick! :shock:

She is sooo beautiful hon and that hair is to die for! :hug:
she is totally gorgeous! i hope i have a birth like although perhaps not so sudden :)
chickadee1976 said:
Shes gorgeous. Wheres the placenta picture, im gory

hopefully being retireved...our sd card corrupted in our camera when we tried to put the photos on the computer...gutted, so the only pics we have of her newborn are ones from DH's phone. A computer tecchy mate of ours is trying to retireve them from the card...fingers crossed...although we'll all be spared the pics of me after the birth !
Awww, she is so cute! Well done on such a quick labour, I hope I have one that fast!
Oh, and where did you give birth, was it the Edinburgh Royal Infrimary or elsewhere? If it was the ERI, how is it giving birth there? That's where I'll be going so I'm intrigued.
seriously dont go to ERI its hopeless...the reason why i was left with no pain relief was that there were no beds available.

Apparently they've been closing the unit regularly because of a lack of beds and sending folk to st johns. I had a few probs and had to go back in to be examined 3 hours of waiting later i got my notes and went to st johns who were soooooooo lovely.

I dont want to scare you, the mws are excellent but there is a serious lack of resource there!
awww look at that hair, she is so cute, well done x
Wow!! VERY sudden!! :shock: OMG!

Aww she has loads of hair!! She looks so precious! She's like a little doll - so perfect! :cheer:

Well done babe! Huge congrats! xxx
Congratulations! :cheer: What a gorgeous wee bundle, I love her hair!

All the best,

Sarah x
sparky said:
seriously dont go to ERI its hopeless...the reason why i was left with no pain relief was that there were no beds available.

Apparently they've been closing the unit regularly because of a lack of beds and sending folk to st johns. I had a few probs and had to go back in to be examined 3 hours of waiting later i got my notes and went to st johns who were soooooooo lovely.

I dont want to scare you, the mws are excellent but there is a serious lack of resource there!

You see, I was dubious about the ERI, but it's the closest hospital. We live in Penicuik and neither of us drive, so St John's would be quite difficult. It's annoying because I'd much rather go to St John's as their reputation is much better. I'll maybe speak to my midwife about it, because the ERI really doesn't sound like the best of places. Thanks for the advice :)

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