Is this postnatal depression?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
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I got a worried e-mail from my friend about his wife last night. The baby was born on 1st Jan and she has apparently been coping really badly.
He said that the week after the birth was really hard and she is at the end of her tether both emotionally and physically. She is also pschologically overloaded.
He said he doesn't think it's postnatal depression, rather the realisatino that she will never get round to doing anything again - popping out for a coffee, quickly clean the flat, meet up with someone etc.
The baby now has jaundice too to top it all off.

My question is that does this sound like someone who just hasn't had enough sleep and didn't really know how much work a baby is or does it sound like postnatal depression?

Also, how can the husband help or what should she be doing?

I suggested ringing the postnatal depression helpline, NHS helpline, speaking to the doc and to the midwife.

Thanks for your help!
Her baby is still very young and in the couple of weeks after birth its normal to have the baby blues, due to a huge surge in hormones and the trauma of birth.
I think your advice is right, she should talk to her midwife or HV, but its a bit early to diagnose PND. If things dont improve or get dramatically worse then further advice should be sought.
I think what ur describing is what everyone feels after having a baby pnd is when this doesn't stop. If her hubbie wants to help then he needs to help her get out, show her that she can go to the shops and have a coffee still.
you described me after the birth of my baby! I cried for 2 weeks.......... I was just a hormonal, tired, emotional wreck. I literally didnt sleep for 3 days, first day and night I was in labour, then 2 nights on the ward which was so noisy i couldnt sleep, and baby kept choking on mucus so I literally sat and watched her all night. So I was working from a sleep deficit before I even started. I loved my baby but oh my god did I need sleep!

as soon as I opened the door to MW in the morning i would start blubbing. If anyone asked me how I was coping i would burst into tears. And dont even get me started on how much breastfeeding made me cry!

its totally normal. However if someone is like that 2-3mnths after birth, then its more likely to be PND.
I was exactly the same and I know lots of other ladies will say this too. Baby blues are very normal for the first few weeks..when it gets later down the line it becomes more worrying and potentially can turn into pnd.

I was diagnosed with pnd a few weeks ago and for me it feels very different to baby blues.
Thanks for your replies. Good to know that it is just normal. She's got her mum coming to stay for a few days, so that should hopefully help to have someone there who's been there and done it all before.

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