Is this possible??


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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My cycles are pretty regular. I almost always get my period during the 1st week of every month. I missed November's but didn't think much about it because I was in bed for a week with the flu when I was supposed to get it. And with a fever of 104F I wasn't surprised when it didn't come.

((Sorry if this is a little tmi or a little graphic for some))

By the end of Dec. I started to get paranoid. I don't know if it was my mind playing games with me, but I started getting kind of nauseous after I would eat. I had lost a good bit of weight and having some lower back pain. My discharge has also been very unusual for the last month. Then I started getting horrible cramps. But I was staying with a friend at the time and a stomach virus was going around. Lots of people had diarrhea & were throwing up. So I figured I just had an iron stomach and got off with just some really bad abdominal cramping. I also have a pretty weak lower back and saw the chiropractor for an adjustment, so didn't think much of it.

But during the adjustment, it felt like I had a significant "gas bubble" that was really hard in my lower abdomen. Not sure how else to explain it. Again, figured it was from the cramping/fighting off the sickness that was going around.

Came home and had lots of heavy bleeding. There were blood clots larger than I've ever seen. All the symptoms pointed to a miscarriage if I got rid of all the strange "coincidences"

However I'm still having what feels like light cramping even though the bleeding has stopped. And I just don't feel "right".

I don't want to take a pregnancy test unless I miss another period and it's been at least 8 weeks. (I would be 5 weeks now) Because I don't want to freak myself out even more, if it turns out positive.

So I guess what I'm asking, is it possible to have had 1 very early miscarriage (or chemical pregnancy as all the other sites are calling it) but still be pregnant? I don't know very much about vanishing twin syndrome. And I have no idea how (or if) losing 1 embryo this early would affect a 2nd one.

The would-be father was originally a twin, but lost his other 1/2 before he was born. His mother was surprised to find out she was still pregnant after she lost his twin-- didn't realize there were 2 fetuses in her!
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there is a chance you was and hav lost it, millions of women loose babies every day but dont know they have because its so early, so it goes undetected

if i was you i would book to see you doctor and explain what has happened (if it was a mc you need to make sure all the tissue has come out)because if your passing clots that doesnt seem to normal but i maybe wrong, i lost one back in sep 2010 and was passing loads of huge clots and i had to go back for a scan a few weeks later to make sure all the pregnancy tissue had gone
good, hope it goes well, let us know what happens, fx it was just a nasty period this cycle xx
Sorry that youve had a worrying time.
The miscarrige figures the percentage of all miscarriges (rather than the probability of miscarrige which is much lower)for weeks 1-2 (which is preperiod) is around 70% then something like 10% for weeks 3-6 and 10% 7-12. So lots of women have early miscarriges /chemical pregancies and have simular sympoms a late clotty period with more pain than normal.
As the posters above said it would be a good idea to talk to dr to see if you can get a scan just to make sure that you dont have anything or anyone else in there.

Good luck and hope that you feel much better soon either way. A miscarrige will in some cases still give you a positive preg test becuase it takes a while for the hormones to return to normal. If you do a test and its positive it will give the doctor a greater reason to send you for a scan so consider it even if its a cheapie from the internet or one of the those pound shop ones.
x Daisy
A miscarrige will in some cases still give you a positive preg test becuase it takes a while for the hormones to return to normal. If you do a test and its positive it will give the doctor a greater reason to send you for a scan so consider it even if its a cheapie from the internet or one of the those pound shop ones.

That hadn't even occurred to me! I will go pick up a test today. Especially since I'm still feeling crampy & nauseous. Thank you.
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Well, I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came up negative. But I'm still cramping like crazy and feeling really blah. I know my body pretty well and this is not normal. Going to take another test tomorrow morning. Still planning on make a drs appt though because this is not normal for me and I want to get everything checked.

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