Evening all
During May was the first time I've tracked my cycle to the best I could. So I bought these clear blue ovulation sticks with a digital indicator , a smiley face showing it's detected your LH surge. My last AF began April 24th and lasted 5 days with spotting on the 6th. I started testing daily for my LH surge from may 8th which was cd 15 , the sticks detected my LH surge on may 13th which was cd 20 .
Do these numbers seem right?
I'm now on day 31 , no AF yet but I'm curious as to whether clear blue is reliable in detecting your LH surge? I'd hate to think it was a false reading and I missed it . X
During May was the first time I've tracked my cycle to the best I could. So I bought these clear blue ovulation sticks with a digital indicator , a smiley face showing it's detected your LH surge. My last AF began April 24th and lasted 5 days with spotting on the 6th. I started testing daily for my LH surge from may 8th which was cd 15 , the sticks detected my LH surge on may 13th which was cd 20 .
Do these numbers seem right?
I'm now on day 31 , no AF yet but I'm curious as to whether clear blue is reliable in detecting your LH surge? I'd hate to think it was a false reading and I missed it . X