Is this normal ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Well its been 10 days since my m/c and from about day 6 bleeding almost stopped then there wasnt alot for about 3 days but now the bleeding is back again is this normal for the bleeding to start again when i thought it was just about stopped ??
Im not sure hunni, maybe just acheck up with your gp will ease your mind a bit.
i didnt have that when i had my miscarriage, but everyone is different. And im so so sorry to hear you lost your angel xxx :hug:
Hey hon, from all the posts I have read no 2 m/c are identical when it comes to bleeding. It will all calm down in time but don't worry in the meantime. I m/c in feb and even though I am ovulating again now and seem to be back on track, I still have a lot more spotting then ever before, randomly in my cycle.

I think I stopped bleeding and then started again a few days later come to think of it.

If it lasts longer than 10 days go and see your doc. But some people do sem to bleed for 2 weeks.

Hang in there hon, you will be okay. It just takes a while, but you will be back on track soon.

So sorry you are experiencing this :hug: :hug:
some times we bleed on and off after a m/c for a while and like the others have said every m/c is different hun.

Just check with your doc to make sure all is ok though to get reassurance

Hope your ok hun :hug: :hug:
Hi mishm,

Sorry to hear of ur loss, i myself had a m/c almost 2 weeks ago and im still bleeding tho the bleeding had got lighter over the weekend but is back this evening, ill mayb go to the gp this week to c is this still ok, mayb u could ring the gp also just to ask for advice,

all the best puppy :hug:
Best thing to do is go see your GP for a wee check up..... it is normal for the bleeding to stop then start again, often when your period would have been due, But it should only be very light after this time doll..... So if your worried at all or it's more that light period for a day or two then go please... get checked out, sometimes our systems can take a while to recover, sometimes it can make us tired and drained... any of those symptoms then you might need a wee iron boost, I did... felt wonderfully well physically after the bleeding stopped and my iron tablets finished.. went straight back to TTC too. But emotionally i was still a wreck.... Still with you gals... and you Mishm I was soon feeling better there too..
Take care of you... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

as you may have seen from my posts I have had a lot of bleeding problems since my M/C....

From what the doctors have told me everyone is different, and as long as you aren't still registering positive on a HPT then its not because you have any tissue left and things should settle down in time.

Also it depends on how heavy it is, mine settled down to light bleeding/spotting which i only had to wear pantyliners for, it turns out that I developed a cervical erosion during the pregnancy (perfectly normal, and quite common) and I mistook the bleeding from this, for uterine blood. If it carries on i would raise this possibility with your GP as it caused me a lot of worry and heartache until I was diagnosed.

Hope it all settles for you soon

Thank you all made me feel a little better.If it doesnt settle in the next few days then i will go see my gp and see what he thinks.
I have noticed yvonne that i am feeling tired just now so maybe get them to check my iron levels because im prone to that anyway.
ah hun glad your ok, just see your doc to get reassurance and it maybe iron deficency (not nice) :hug: :hug:

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