Is this normal?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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For the past two nights Jack has slept for 11 hours. Literally. Not a peep in between. I give him his bath and bottle between 8pm and 9pm and he's slept through until 8pm both mornings. Yesterday i woke up in a massive panic thinking something was wrong but when i went to him he was just waking up and was giggling away. Asked at clinic if this is ok cos obviously its a long time for a 3 month old to go without a feed but they said to let him dictate his sleeping/feeding times...which is fine by me!

Still feels a bit odd though, anyone else think this is weird? x
Enjoy it hun while it lasts! Josh has always been a long sleeper. Goes down about 8 and wakes at 6. I'm just grateful that he is like that. I know alot of mums would love to have that amount of sleep.xx
Alex has slept through from 2 weeks and shes fine hun i wouldnt worry about it xx
From 2 weeks that's fab.
Defo enjoy it x
My LO has just started doing 10 hour stretches. It's amazing!!
Albert's slept between 9 and 11 hours a night for ages, he's so chirpy in the morning cos he sleeps well. That panic is awful and it will probably happen again cos it's supermummy instinct kicking in lol

Enjoy! xxxxxxx
Yeah, enjoy it cos it may not last :( ours was like that, then she hit four months and we are waking around 4/5am again!

Gotta love the four month sleep regression!! X
You are all so lucky, I'm very jealous!!
yeah enjoy while it lasts lol. Alyssa was sleeping from 8 til 7am but now she wakes anywhere from 2 to 5am for a feed. the other night she woke twice.....back to newborn sleeping pattern lol
God your lucky! H is nearly 5 months and not sleeping through at all! 7 times she had me up last night!!! X
Yea its pretty normal think yourself very lucky :) I worried too cos C has been sleeping right through from 8 weeks he goes down at 9 sleeps right through til 8 has his feed then goes for his nap about half 9 & sleeps til 1130-12 think he just loves his sleep like mummy but I asked HV too she said totally fine if he was hungry he would soon let me know,I can't sleep right through I'm up 2-3 times a night just to check he's okay aswell it can be a bit worrying at times x
I think I'd actually give my right arm for 11 hours sleep straight!

Max is slowly getting there- he's dropped the feeds but still wakes a lot.

I'd say its def very normal for a 3 month old though yes, my HV said expect their sleeping to improve at 3 months and for the lucky few this means a good long stretch like that. So enjoy! (I'm not jealous one bit) :p

Yeah Macy has done this the last 2 nights.
If that's what she wants. I'm for it.
you lucky thing! im over the moon with 7/8 hours!

How old are your babies and how much are they taking in 1 feed? Xx
Enjoy it!

S used to sleep that long and everybody said to me at the time to enjoy it because it would soon change, and it did :(

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