Is this labour, i'm not sure what to do.


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Jul 28, 2008
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I have been experiencing period type pain in my back which radiates to the front of my bump, which then goes really tight.

I have been timing them, and they last for one minute, and are coming every 3-4 mins.

I am 36 weeks pregnant with excess fluid, my AFI is 26.9 so am expecting to go early anyway. I am just not sure if this is the real thing, or if it is a false alarm.

I haven't lost water, or my plug.

pains start off so different in everyone and toward sthe end you do get more pains happening all the time... i would call the labour ward / midwife and check just to be on the safe side.. the worst thing is they might get you to go in and if it's nothing send you home again but i would always rather check x x x
I would ring midwife hun, as when I went into labour at 33wks I just had period pains and tightening! I didn't lose any water or plug till I was practically 10cm.. Not sure if its the same with all premature labours but mine was really quick, so perhaps best to go get checked out!
Thanks, will do. I have taken painkillers and had a bath and nothing has helped.
Agree with the others best to get it checked as that sounds like how my labour started at 35+5 xx
Hey, I would make contact with the Labour ward; they will advise you on the phone if your MW cannot I am sure.. if it is Labour at least you will be in contact with the right people xxx
Hi, i'm back!!

I was admitted onto the antenatal ward at 9pm, and then transferred to L&D at 1:30am due to contractions coming every 3-5 minutes. They were then counted as coming 3-4 in 10 minutes.

I was on L&D until 10am the next day and then moved back to the ward to be observed. I had 4 speculums, and all checks were fine, cervix is still closed.

Last night i had another check, and the doctor thought that she saw fluid leaking, and i said that i had been feeling trickling, but thought it was a result of the speculums, and lubrication.

I was still having quite a lot of pain, so they gave me pethadine last night so i could get some sleep, as when i was on L&D i didn't sleep all night due to the pain.
I was then monitored on the CTG this morning, and each contraction was now measuring 70-80 every 3-4 minutes, but the funny thing was i wasn't in that much pain, the doctor was quite shocked because i was giggling my head off when i had each one!!

I think i was still off my face on pethadine LOL!!

Thankfully things have calmed down, and although i am still trickling they let me come home on the condition that i come right back if things progress.

I may be in slow labour, but the doc didn't really say anything definitive. Soooo watch this space!
oh hun. let us know what happens and try to get some rest. xxx
Thanks, will do, i am booked in for a sweep next Monday anyway, so they said if i go, i go. You never know this may be the start of things.

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