Is this discrimination? Need advice


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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I work as a registered nurse, and our uniform consists of a blue tunic and navy trousers, or a blue dress with a navy belt.

Matron is very strict with what we wear, must have hair off the collar, bare below the elbow, no piercings etc
My collegue had a baby in May, and her maternity uniform was a blue tunic with a buckle behind the back. Reasonably similar.

Now I ordered my maternity uniform 14 weeks ago to give them good time to order it. Only to be told that they've changed the maternity uniform to just an oversized white dress.

Not an adjustable tunic or even an adjustable dress, and not even blue! People who wear white include student nurses and the people who take blood. Can you imagine how that will look, it will be a white sack!!

Patients will be asking me where the nurse is, one collegue already told me I'll look like a baker (lol). I've been really upset about it, because I guarantee I'll be rediculed. I work with a lot of men, quite senior male surgeons as will in a clinic environment.

I emailed the deputy director of nursing and she said it was "cost saving not discrimination".

But imagine if they made all the black nurses or all the disabled nurses wear a different colour??

Any opinions and any idea what I should do about it.
They may say it's cost cutting - and it may save money but I think it sounds like discrimination. They r penalising u for being pg but makin u wear a large white tunic that doesn't fall in line with the rest of ur department.

Not entirely sure what u can do about it but it doesn't sound fair to me.
Is there anyone who has a maternity uniform that they have used u can have!
I was given mine by a colleague who recently had a baby.

can you dye it navy and have a belt or some kind of tie thingy to cinch it in at the waist so it has some shape?
can't dye it navy sisters wear navy, funny thing is if I altered that or my uniform in any way I'd be disciplined but it's ok to stand out like a big FAT sore thumb.
Our maternity ones r all White with no shape lol I feel like the Michelin man in it lol

oh that is a tough one, obviously you dont want to cause too much trouble voer it but doesnt sound too nice, like has been said if you could borrow that other girls maternity one even if its bigger it would prob be better than the white oversized one, I know it is not right but would you consider buying one your self in the correct colour that they would approve, i know u shouldnt have to but it might be the easiest option if they wont budge
It might not be the most attractive uniform but If it's what is being provided then you don't really have much option but to wear it. If they've changed their uniform policy then I think you'll just have to grin and bear it .
I wouldn't think it's discrimination, as it doesn't affect your ability to do your job or stop you from carrying out any functions -bottom line is you won't fit your normal uniform for the duration of your pregnancy and this is what's being provided as an alternative for the months that you have left at work. It might not be what you would choose for yourself but unless you're prepared to shell out for an alternative I think you'll just have to go with it.
If people comment, they comment, it's only words :)
Hey :)

I think that if that uniform is their particular maternity one within their policy it's not discrimination, but totally appreciate why you don't feel comfortable wearing it. Maybe it's just a case of explaining to patients that you're expecting and that its the maternity uniform provided. Not ideal I know. As for people taking the mick, tell them how they're making you feel. That'll shut them up :hug:

In our trust they don't provide maternity uniform anymore so I'm wearing hand me down tunics from other members of staff (thankfully I was in the smallest size tunic you can get before) and I've brought my own trousers. I would say that if it is the new uniform policy then you might have to grin and bear it as rubbish as that is.
The other option is to see if you can borrow the uniform your colleague used if its the same colour as your normal uniform.
x x x
I hate to say it but i kinda agree with Iriki - it sucks a bit, but i dont think it would actually qualify as discrimination. They are providing a different uniform to accomodate your circumstances, you NEED an alternative uniform.

If they were making u wear a maternity uniform when u were still able to fit into a regular one - that would be discrimination - otherwise i think you just gotta grin and bare it.

is it not possible to get/borrow a larger size regular uniform to stave off the maternity dress for a while.,

or could you get something that goes with it like - epiletes?? for ur shoulders in the blue - or like the aprons and kids nurses wear in a similar colour to ur collegues tunics??

Understand how u will feel wearing that hun unless there's anyone elses u can borrow likes mrsmc said? X
I can't borrow the other person's uniform she's a size 8. Also there's no new policy on maternity uniform, it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. All it says in the uniform policy is:

"maternity uniform : tunics and dresses in plain colours only"
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If thats all the policy states could you not order a uniform in an appropriate colour that you like from somewhere else. xxx
Hi Hun I think if you are going to be ridiculed because of it then it is discrimination. Can you contact unison? X

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I can't borrow the other person's uniform she's a size 8. Also there's no new policy on maternity uniform, it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. All it says in the uniform policy is:

"maternity uniform : tunics and dresses in plain colours only"

Well then I guess they're are not doing anything wrong by giving you a plain white dress to wear.

Think you're just going to have to suck it up if you can't borrow anything else suitable. Look on the bright side, as least they're providing you with a uniform, and you only have to wear it for a few months:)
it doesn really sound like discrimination to me to be honest hun
Doesnt sound like discrimination to me at all...they are providing you with an alternative because you're usual uniform doesnt fit, and what they are providing fits the uniform policy so I guess you'll just have to grin and bear it.
I dont think its discimination i just think you must work with really imature people if they make comments,
A lot of company's dont provide maternity clothes at all and would ask you to go buy something similar to the uniform so at least you have got something to wear....It sucks but its only for a couple of months so i think the best thing to do is wear it and if anyone makes comments tell them to do one or compain to your boss.
also hun maybe wear your id badge then it will be clear your a nurse

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