whats everyone wearing?

Still wearing mostly normal gear, except for my jeans which are mat ones, although my others still fit with the button undone :D
Well, I'm going for comfort on Xmas Day. We are going out for dinner again this year - 3 course meal - so I don't want to be sitting there feeling ill from reflux. I think I will probably wear black trousers and then one of the nice H&M jumpers that Matt treated me to today :D
I am still wearing my normal clothes too

But I have been looking for a dress for my bday that I can wear at xmas
Hubby has got a dinnr dance invite through work - a corperate thank you from DHL!! Everyone else there will probably be company directors etc of big business...

I haven't got a damn thing to wear - I seriously have no clue what I'll go in and I'm starting to panic. I really don't like most of the highstreet maternity gear, there's just a few things I've picked up and actually like.

:oops: I look silly dressed up at the best of times....
Well i've just tried on my chirstmas party dress and my boobs are bigger so I need something to hold thm up better and i can now see that i have definately put a bit of weight on my hips, so it looks silly!!! Just looking for dresses on line now!!!
its lovely but id be worried about your bump making it rise as its quite short already :)
manda xx
manda224 said:
its lovely but id be worried about your bump making it rise as its quite short already :)
manda xx

I never thought of that but its a very good point Manda.

Its a nice dress though.
Yeah i thought that, it is so difficult finding something!!! the maternity range is not that nice
I think anyone that can find maternity clothes in the shops at the moment must be doing well. I've been told in 4 different shops (2 M&S and 2 Next) that 'maternity has been temporarily removed to make way for partywear'.

In one shop (Marks and Spencers) they seemed puzzled when I asked what you were supposed to wear for christmas parties if you are pregnant. I left feeling that I had no right to be out of the house over christmas!

I now have two pairs of trousers that still fit. One pair of jeans and one pair of work trousers. Neither are maternity wear, just my 'fat pants'. I don't know what I'll do if baby has a sudden growth spurt, maybe wear pyjamas 24/7!
I know exactly how you feel tigger, i'm at the same stage as you and now is the time we get bigger, in 3 weeks time we will be even bigger!!!!
Thanks bloom, i was like that on my first baby, this is my third and i can really see the difference!!!
I like both dresses sophie. I think Manda's right about the length of the first one though.
They have some evening dresses at crave maternity but they're a bit expensive and not very exciting unfortunately.
i bought a dress from Asda for £10, a knee length black shift dress with diamonds and beads around the neck, I am going to wear it with thick black tights and heels.

I am refusing to wear maternity clothes still (i have trousers and jeans and that is it!). I ordered a maternity dress from Next and it looked hideous on me, i am sure i looked liked princess di did when pregnant!!

There are so many dresses out there that fall from the bust that i think you can get away with non maternity most of the time.
New Look had fantastic stuff in (and very cheap) when I went in last week - and even better it was all in the sale. I got some very glam tops and dresses which will do for Christmas.
im only just starting my xmas shopping :shock: not even thought about what to wear, but will probably buy some thing from here www.funmum.com.

Loads of lovely outfits on there :cheer:

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