Is there anyone else out there working fulltime and find this all so hard?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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I have to say, i've had to take some time off.. mentally and physically i feel so drained. I feel so guilty that I am not at work, but my body had to stop.

Is there anyone else out there who feels they can't go on working? My body and mind are knackered....

Please tell me im not alone haha

I work full time and its killing me. I also have 2 kids so i cant relax when i get home either. :nap:
I went back to work full time when my LO was 8 months and somehow managed to until now and she is almost 3 and a half. I have just had our second child but we lost him 2 days after birth so I am currently off sick/maternity. I have decided that I've done my fair share now so will try and go back part time after my leave. Maybe do 3 days a week.

It's so hard working full time honey and juggling everything, I spend my weekend catching up on housework so don't get a break then. I didn't really have much choice at the time I had to work full time to help pay all the bills.

I say if you need some time off take it, sounds like you need it hun. Maybe you could look at going back part time?
haha ahh i soundf pathetic, ive got 0 kids, just a demanding job that requires me to go the extra mile..

i feel rubbish!!

are you at work now emerald?

i don't know if i can carry on working.. is that bad?
wow laura, you sound like superwoman. Sorry to hear about your loss.

I reckon im going to take some time out.

I want to work cause i love my job and it pays well but i feel like i need to concentrate on getting my mental/physical health back up to speed before the baby comes. does that sound fair?

With regards to going back to work, i dont know if i will...

My mum put in nusery when i was 5 months, or less.. constantly worked full time/over time i was hear there and everywhere...

as a result i dont have a bond with her. I respect that she did that so we had a good quality of life, physically i never went with out, however emotionally i suffered neglect.

Its tricky, i guess having a baby has brought up a lot of stuff for me!

ill go back to work when the kids at nusery, but right now i just wanna concentrate on me and the baby. is that selfish??

I know where you are coming from hun! I am constantly tired with this pregnancy.

I work full time and have a job that requires I am on the ball constantly - make sure you rest when you can and say sod the housework every now and again xx
I only work part time, but am feeling it already. I am a mummy to a very active 2 year old, so don't get a second to rest.

But last night, I'd had enough! I've had a cough, cold and really sore throat for over 2 weeks now and it's not getting any better. So i've taken today off sick, while hubby is at work and toddler at the childminder. I'm sitting in bed doing nothing but chat to you girls! I just HAD to stop. I am utterly exhausted and just couldn't do anymore. I also feel terribly guilty. especially since I was on a late and before i even had chance to call them to say I wasn't going in, they called me to ask me to start at 7.30 instead as someone had called in sick!!! it didn't go down well when I said I wasn't going to be in at all either!

Like you said, we and our unborn babies are for too important. We can't ignore what our bodies are telling us. I hope you feel a bit more rested soon x x
I think thats the key Agent, listening to our bodies...

The thing is i don't want to go back.. scared to take plunge (financially) but i think its what i need right now" My job is overly stressful... hmmm

i just need someone to tell me what to do hahahaha xx
I start work in 5 mins.
I have booked next week off work but i wont get chance to relax as ive got loads of things to sort out.
Im on my own so i cant sleep because theres no one to look after my LO.
I felt guilty going back to work full time and used to torture myself over it but my daughter is a very content and loved little girl. She had the best of both worlds I think, she went to nursery 2 days a week and was with her grandparents 3 days. My HV told me not to be guilty as I was providing for my daughter and setting her a good example. She told me it give them a well rounded upbringing as she is very socially aware at this age. Grace has always been a very easy child to look after though, just very content don't get me wrong she has here moments esp now she's 3 but she is very secure and knows how much she is loved. Just because a parent works full time doesn't mean their child will be neglected - it's about making time for them everyday and really making it quality time.

I think with two children it would become very hard to work full time for me so that was my decision - juggling two lots of childcare would have been impossible. Believe me if I could afford it I wouldn't work at all!!

You may feel better once youve had your maternity leave and feel ready to maybe work part time - I think it's healthy to have something of your own to be 'you' and not just someomes mummy. They grow up so fast it's scary!
I lost my job right before I found out I was pregnant, and to be honest I'm quite glad! I'm lucky enough to have lots of savings so although at first I was worried about financial stress, I am now so glad I'm not working. I don't know how I would've managed - the constant feeling of exhaustion, migraines I keep getting, the on-and-off nausea, I just couldn't cope at work! I feel for you and definitely think some time off is a good idea.
I only work part time in afternoons but my job is so tiring ad i have to find energy that i dont have. Its like a chore for me. Getting up in the morning taking one child to school taking the other to nursery then coming back home getting ready for work then going to work coming bk from back picking kids up again tea then bath time then put then to bed then by then i want to go bed myself.Am think of taking some time of work but dont know if can afford to. xxx
You must be knackered. reckon the doctors gonna sign me off sick for a while..... arghhhhhh

were all knackered! 2 weeks in the carib will sort us out haha x
ye i wish id love that lol specially if it was free xxxx
I wish i can take sick leave but i wont get payed because i was off loads last year with my little been poorly with epilepsy. xxx
I'm a self-employed full time travel agent. I have a shop and I work alone. I have a step son who is 7 and a son who is 4 so I do the school/nursery run too - morning and afternoon. I close on a Wednesday to give me rest but I have the wee one with me and always have appointments that day like dentist, etc (I also have my husband's wee brother who is 15 living with us now) so I'm always running around. I also work Saturdays so Sunday is pretty much my only day off. But hey - thats the day we all go off to church (they are all catholic, I'm not but have to go with them) and then there is the food shop to do that day. aaarrrggghhhh

I will work full time throughout pregnancy right to end and back immediately but I will change my workplace to "appointments only" and do the rest from home - I've already looked into office share with someone else to help with costs. I have to work, I cant afford not to. My DH is a firefighter and works shifts so always have to work around him and his hours.

I am totally exhausted and a lot of people say I look drained right now (they dont know I'm pregnant) and I had a horrible cold last week that floored me. My nausea is finally getting better but sometimes it just hits me and generally when I have a couple at my desk trying to book a holiday nand I swear I must go green!!

I can do what I do from home so plan to be a homeworking travel agent but just keep my desk if people "need" to see me. I will re-assess later when I see how things are going. Last pregnancy I had a girl working for me so she covered my maternity for 4 months and then my husband was a house husband but it will ber very different this time around. Tri 3 was a nightmare cos I could hardly walk so better not happen this time around! Therefore I need to keep up light exercise to keep me strong - where the hell am I supposed to fit that in?? I used to do something 5 nights a week but I'm shattered when I get home now..... hey ho - the joys!!
i work part time in mornings and all day weekend looking after the eldely but i cannot seem to do it at the min so they given me time off even tho i really need the money when this sickness passes i be able to get back to it x
to tracey, and when u go green you cannot just run out away from your customers lol
i am like that i have a lot of ibs problems at the mo but i make it worse by panicing (spelled wrong)
i get really hot and start feeling sick and cannot control how i feel and just want to run home and sit on the toilet and feel safe lol its always when i go for the hour call in the morning and i know i cannot get away
wow laura, you sound like superwoman. Sorry to hear about your loss.

I reckon im going to take some time out.

I want to work cause i love my job and it pays well but i feel like i need to concentrate on getting my mental/physical health back up to speed before the baby comes. does that sound fair?

With regards to going back to work, i dont know if i will...

My mum put in nusery when i was 5 months, or less.. constantly worked full time/over time i was hear there and everywhere...

as a result i dont have a bond with her. I respect that she did that so we had a good quality of life, physically i never went with out, however emotionally i suffered neglect.

Its tricky, i guess having a baby has brought up a lot of stuff for me!

ill go back to work when the kids at nusery, but right now i just wanna concentrate on me and the baby. is that selfish??


its just about finding an inbetween that works for you hun

i work full time in my first pregnancy an i managed fine (but i had a very easy pregnancy))

this time i only work part time and have my lil boy when not at work but im havin a poo pregnancy so finding it hard

regards play group every ones differen my son went to part time play group at 5 months and he loves it but yet is so much a lil mummys boy we are very close but i will defo be sending the new baby to as its so good for there development x
i'm a full time mortgage advisor and sometimes have to travel an hour or more to get to a particular branch....i'm not looking forward to all the travelling etc when i am a bit further along. may have to discuss it with my boss if it becomes too much...

i am hoping to be able to have 12 months off and then go back 3 days, but we will have to see how the finances are...

it's a bit stressful deciding whst to do for the best....but will just see what happens when it comes to

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