Anyone else scared about first scan??

I Have 23 hrs and 5 mins to go.

I just want to see a baby on the screen with a heartbeat.

Then hopefully at my 20 week scan i will be excited and not scared

Just 20 hours to go.

I seem to be thinking about very little else now and wish my scan was this evening.

Grunt Grunt

I didn't realise I was so impatient! :cry:

Roll on tomorrow.

I will be bringing my scan picture straight into work in the afternoon for the big scanning in and posting session! (Providing that everything is OK of course.)

Then I can get on with stroking my bump and not being worried!
I have 19 hours till my scan, i am ded excited and super nervous, i jus wanna see my blob nice and healthy, and nothing to be wrong. But knowin me i will be like rachel in that episode on friends, and start panicking and thinking im a bad mother cos i cant see my baby, lol, :lol:

Ohhhh gotta go to the bank and take lots of money out to so i can buy lots and lots of photos, hehe one for every member of the family.

Good luck all with ur scans tomorow, let me know how thet go, and get ur pics on here. ill let u know how mine goes to, and ill tyr and post a pic, if i can figure it out.

bec x x
Just wanted to say..............GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!! Been reading your posts about your scans tommorow.

Sarah, if its any help I think first scans are in maternity dept's and then the later ones are in the x-ray dept - thats how it is in some hospitals I know of - may not be the same at yours though, you would have to check.

Anyhow Good luck - and dont forget to let us all know how you got on!!

L x

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