Is second labour the same as first labour?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi girls!
This is a q to any ladies who have gone through labour more than once?
Was your second labour similar or different to your first labour? I ask because I had a 3rd degree tear during my first labour. I am having I decide now whether I should opt for c section or go through birth again.
Obviously, the best thing would be to vaginally deliver for me an for Bubba, but I am petrified that I might tear again and this time it could leave me permanently incontinent. My consultant has said she would prefer I deliver naturally, but because of my history she will have to 'give in' and give me a c section of it is what I want

If others however believe that my second labour could more than likely be different to my first delivery, I would love to hear from you!!!

I don't personally have any experiance yet of different labours but I have seen my sister go through 3 natural births and they were all different.

It all depends on the circumstances I guess of your first labour, did you have a waterbirth, apparently the risk is lower of tearing, how relaxed were you? (I know it's labour but I am told relaxing helps).

With my sisters 3 labours, the first was horrible for her, the second she had a water birth and less tearing and the third she had water birth and remained semi relaxed and she had minimal tearing something like a mm.

Sorry I can;t help personally :( and make the right choices for you

I was asking my mum about this yesterday. I'm pregnant with my first so I have no personal experience but my mum had 5 kids.
Her first was apparently awful - bad tears etc, her second and third weren't so bad, her fourth was bad - tears again, and her fifth (me!) Was easiest of all.
She said every labour is different x

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Oh and none of hers were water births or anything, just regular hospital bed deliveries.

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Both mine were completely different. Went over with them both but had natural with paige and even though i was in labour a good 17 hours or more it wasnt that bad compared to jake. Was in labour longer and was induced and they had to break my waters and put on a drip, then he got stuck lol. He was a bigger baby too but labour was alot worse with my 2nd. Hoping this baby is like my 1st x
My first was back to back and I had a second degree tear, I was in labour for 13 hours and it was a hospital bed birth. The second time I had a hands off water birth, he was lying normally and I was in labour for about 5 hours, I was worried about tearing again, but the water was extremly relaxing and I didn't tear xx
My two were totally different. My daughter was a long labour, slowed down by epidural, didn't feel a thing, almost felt like it wasn't me, my little man was quick, but at the pushing stage they realised he was back to back, so had to try and turn him, wasn't happening, he got stuck, horrible birth, spent 4 days in with him and had an episiotomy as opposed to tearing.

Every birth is different hun, but the end if the day it's your decision.x

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I've got the same dilemma I had a 3rd degree tear and being given a consultant app but their wife today said it might not happen again! I'd love to know people's responses to this too!
Both mine were back to back wasnt even given the offer of trying to turn either of them x
My friend had a 3rd degree tear with her second and toyed with the option of a section for her third, but she delivered vaginally using hypnobirthing and had a teeny 2mm tear at the front that required no stitches. She is due next week with her fourth and opting for water birth and will be using hypnobirthing again - will let you know how that goes!
I didn't tear badly like you first time but I did have quite a few stitches and some scaring but second time I only had a bit of grazing, I half expected to tear again but I guess it doesn't always happen. I did have a 14 year age gap though so plenty of time to heal! Oh I went down the hypnobirthing route too x
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Only had a bad tear with my first baby, other 3 were fine and my 2nd baby was much bigger :)
Thank you everyone! It gives me hope thinking that perhaps a vaginal delivery would be best for me!

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